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After dinner , Suga took you to the market where indian things can be found.

You two were in the car and were about to go inside the store when you stopped him . " Oppa , you stay here , I'll go and get the things." You suggested. 
" No , I heard girls took so much time in shopping. I don't want to get board sitting here for hours. " He denied.

" But what if people recognise you , it's dangerous. " You protested. " I don't care about the people I don't even know. Besides, you are still weak , how are you going to lift all of them ? " He reasoned .

" I am not weak though " you said , a little pout on your lips . " And-" " I said I am coming then it's final" he said cutting you . " Okey " you muttered. 


" How much more things y/n ! We are walking for whole hour now " Suga said lazily . " Just 10 more minutes oppa , we are almost done. " You said looking for Desi ghee. 

" Excuse me , can you tell me were I can find Desi ghee ? " You asked one or the employee. " Oh , it's right there. " He said pointing at a shelf. " Thank you." You said and turn that way  " omg , they have Maggie too ! " You said lifting a pacate .

" What's that ? It looks like ramen." Yoongi said taking a pacate too . " It's Indian type of noodles. It is the love of all the students who live in a hostel , it's our comfort food and support of all the late night hunger .


In dorm

" Namjoonah , do you-" Jin came in namjoon's room to ask for sometime but stopped seeing him admiring a littel doll.

Jin crossed the room and sat beside rm on the bed . " Oh Jin hyung! When did you came ? " Namjoon said sitting straight. " When you were engrossed thinking about your little friend." Jin said looking at the doll .

" I was finding my old music book when I found it , suddenly her memories flashed in my mind . Although I was with her for only one day , but the time I spent with her and the memories of her are still really clear in my mind ." Namjoon said smiling at the doll .

" You know hyung, this doll was her favourite , she came from all over India to here , but still she didn't left it and when I found her , she was holding it so tight to her like her life depends on her . I wish one day , I can meet her again and give it back to her . "  "Of course you will joon , you never know may be she is an army too , and when she will find out that her saviour is her idol too , her happyness will be out of this world. " Jin commented. 

" Do you think so huyng ? Whenever I see y/n , I don't why her thoughts came in my mind . May be because she is Indian too. I don't even know her name hyung ! And now , she must look different too , I don't think I will be able to recognise her even if she is right in front of me." RM said shighing .

" Don't say like this joonah , I am sure you will find her soon. " Jin said patting his sholder.


" Finally! It's over ." Yoongi said popping on the sofa after coming in the dorm .
" What took you so long hyung ! The maximum time you took for shopping was 15 minutes. " Jimin said picking the bag from ground and taking the contains out. 

" Ask her jimin , she literally take 5 mins to take one thing . " Suga said irritatingly.
" How can I took anything so easily , I needed to make sure all the ingredients are right after all you guys are going to consume that , I can't take risk ! " You replied helping jimin to take out the things. 

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