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Two week later

Two weeks have passed since you went back to India. There were spontaneous texts and calls from you to the members or vice versa but still due to their busy schedule, it was difficult. Especially Yoongi, he can't even talk properly to you normally which became even worse due to busy schedules and time differences.

[ Hello]

[ Hello Bang pd , how
are you ?]

[I am totally fine.
What about you ?
How have you been these
days ?]

[I am also fine, actually
I had a question...]

[What is it dear?]

[Umm, Big hit posted a notice on
Weavers about audition
for the new manager for BTS]

[Yes, what about it ?]

[I was wondering if you
have to choose the next

[We are still searching.
All were good, but not as
good as you .]

[Oh come on PD nim, you
are embarrassing me.]

[That's the truth dear.
We really can't find someone
as good as you.]

[So, you haven't appointed
anyone till now right?]

[Yes. Do you have any
recommendation ?]

[Actually, yes.]

[That would be great.
I am sure that person will
be not as good as you but still
good. So who is he or she ?]

[It's a she and she is
talking to you right now.]

[Ok an- wait , you are
talking about you ?
You are coming back?]

[Yes. But if it is ok
with you.I understand
if it is not possible.]

[Why would it be not
possible? That would be
Wait, I'll tell the boys,
they will be thrilled.]

[No no no, please don't tell
them, I want to surprise them.]

[Oh, that's a great idea.
The boys have been really
sad since you went to India.
So, when are you coming back ?]

[I will be there in two

[That would be the weekend,
So you'll get to work again
in three days right?]


[That's great. I'll tell the
boys that we have found their
new manager but won't tell
your name to them.]

[Thank you PD nim.]

[My pleasure dear.
See you soon !]

[Same here.]


Bangtan boys

: You
Hey guys, whacha doin

Hope 🌞 :
Just normal routine
How about you ?

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