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She is coming with us . " Namjoon announced.

" What! " Everyone asked being shocked by their leader's words . " Yes ! She is coming with us . " RM again said .

" But Namjoon, it's not good . What if armies get to know about it ? They will never like their idols being under one roof with a girl . " You stated .

" It's not our concern right now y/n ! We need to take care of you . " Jin said sweetly. " But you don't have to take care of mine . I am fit and fine see- aaaa" you said getting up from bed but again fall due to sudden movement.

" See you can't even stand up properly. " Yoongi said.  " It's just because I stand up suddenly so my mind felt dizzy. " You cleared. 

" We don't know anything , you are coming with us and that's final ." J-hope said.  " But - " you were cut by jimin
" Are you uncomfortable living with us?" He asked holding your hand . " Nooo ! I can never be uncomfortable with you. I literally grew up watching you.  " You exclamed .

" It's final then , you are coming with us." Teahung chimmed.  " Fine. " You said finding no other option.


At dorm

You guys were entering into the dorm when something hit you.

" Wait , what am I going to were now ? " You asked them. " Oh, we didn't thought about it ! " Jimin said.  " You can were my cloths. " RM said suddenly. You give him 'what do you mean ' look

" I mean you are so small that my hoodie will look like a dress on you " he explained. " I am not that small , and what about tomorrow ? What will I wear tomorrow at work  ? " You asked him .

" Tomorrow is Sunday , so no work . We can bring your clothes tomorrow and about you being small , I am Namjoon on hyung's side." V said .

" You too Tea ! " You said pouting . " Don't pout like that , I wana squish you. " Junkook said which made you blush a little.

You clear your throat and say  " shut up you bunny , and Namjoon please give that hoodie." " Sure , let's go." Saying that they you both went inside his room .


After sometime when you come out of the room , that hoodie were really looking like s dress on you. The hoodie was coming till your mid thigh and your hands were invisible in that hoodie.

Seeing you like that , everyone were in aww , and Namjoon were just staring at you blankly

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Seeing you like that , everyone were in aww , and Namjoon were just staring at you blankly .

" Don't look at me like that , you are making me nervous. " You said noticing all of thair stares . " Why are you so cutee? " J-hope said pinching your cheak .

" Aaa, hajimaa " you said blushing like a tomato. Everyone complimented your cute side but one person was still staring at you blankly .


RM pov 

I gave her my hoodie and came out to let her change. All of us were waiting for her in the living room . After some time when she came , I was froze on my place .

She is looking so cute in my hoodie . My hoodie is literally hanging on her body and for the cherry on the top , her shyness ! She is blushing. I just want to take her in my arms and never leave her.

Wait , Namjoon what's wrong with you ? Why are you thinking like this ? But still , she looks so cute ! My obsession with small and cute things is coming back . And I don't even want to stop it . I hope she will wear my cloths daily .

I was in my thoughts when

" HYUNG !! " Jimin yelled in my ear. " I am not deaf . " I hissed.  " You seem like one just some time ago . " Jin hyung mocked me . " What were you thinking so deeply that you didn't even noticed such a cute thing ! " Hoba said pointing at y/n .

" I was thinking about her only ! " I mumbled . " What ? " He asked . "N-nothing , by the way , y/n you are really looking very cute in it ! " I said flashing s soft smile at her .

" Thank you " she said placing her hair strand behind her ear . " Thats enough now , y/n , lest go I'll show you your room and we will play games then . " Saying this junkook drag her with him .

" I am coming too , wait ! " Jimin yeld and run behind them . " How can you forgot me ? " Teahung fake cry and also run behind them .


Sorry guys for the late update ! The days were kind of hectic. And tomorrow my result is coming for which i and my fried had applied. So if you are reading it today , pray for us that we could get selected together.

Otherwise , I don't know what I am going to do this whole year. 

I'll update you guys soon what happened with us.  And if we get selected together, I'll upload one episode tomorrow.

Hope to see you tomorrow.....

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