P - 43

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[ Hello, y/n ? You reached

[Yes oppa, I am exiting
airport now.]

[ is that y/n? Yah Namjoon ,
why didn't you tell us she
she reached? Hay y/n how are
you? You reached safely na?
And what about your health?
Are you okay]

Yoongi snatch the phone from namjoon

[ cool down Suga oppa, I am fine.
A little bit dizzy but okay.
I just need 2-3 plates of panipuri
and I'll be perfectly fine.]

[ Panipuri? I have heard of it,
it is something that you
put in a small ball like
thing and eat it right?
I want to try it too]

Jungkook said whining

[ Looks like everyone is there,
OMG I just found a panipuri
wala, till Sameer cames,
I'll enjoy my panipuri now.]

You said walking towards the stall

[ Baiya ek plate ekdam tikhi
panipuri. ]

[ here we are tensed about
her, and this girl is eating
pan-pi whatever that thing is ]

Jin yelled from the other side

[ woa woa , that's pretty hyper,
I am fine dONt woRrY Jin oppa. ]

Your voice come as gibrish as you were eating

[ yoongi hyung stop coming at
my face, if you want talk to
her seperatly. ]

Namjoon hissed showing yoongi away from him

[ What's happening there?
Baiya thoda aur tikha.]

[ nothing, just someone lost
his mind. and-oww hyung ,
stop hitting me otherwise
I'll tell her everything]

[ what's wrong guys ?
Tell me what? ]

[ Nothing important, you'll
know when time will come .
Btw where is your that
over protective best friend,
he still didn't reached there? ]

[ he will be here any time,
actually that idiot forgot to put
alarm while sleeping so his
mother had to wake him up
at last minute, but he wil-
Sammm, here , nam liya shetan
hajir. He just came, guys I'll talk
to you when I'll reach home. ]

[ okay, but don't eat too much
street food, your health
is not strong enough okay?]

[ yah yah fine. Beyys ]

Saying that you hung up the call not knowing there was someone dying to talk to you but didn't get the enough chance.

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