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Nelo's POV

It was rather pathetic just how excited Nelo was to be taking an adventure off toward the surrounding packs alongside Osmin. Though the male had a different perspective on this mission. Even with the energetic pup at his side, it was clear that he was still jittery to get back to Red Moon.

To get back to his mate and pup, more like it.

"Could you at least smile? You're dragging down the mood." It earned the pup a snarl, but considering it was nearing the umpteenth one of the mere hour, it was starting to lose its effect.

"We have four more packs to venture to, and you've already struck a nerve at the first one. Knock it off." The young caretaker had simply shrugged.
"I understand, but Rhea promised that she would look after everything." That was true, undoubtedly, though there was only so much a wolf could manage.

Being away from a very pregnant mate was turning out to be very difficult.

"You know, you could have asked—"

"Rhea asked me. That's that." He shot back, and Nelo smirked once more. "...Do you think she's our Luna?" The question had been innocent at best, but Osmin had stopped outright.

What a fitting thought, given that he was feeling the same way.

"Luna, Mistress—She fits all the above. It's her property we live on."

"In a pack run by an Alpha who broke her heart." Osmin frowned down to the pup but picked up his pace with a bit of urgency, how was it that this mere boy knew of her heart? "It's why she spends time with the calves...Or frets over the births of—"

"Rhea is just being Rhea. I wouldn't overlook it as being heartbroken."

"Well, clearly it's something! Call me a pup all you want, but I know the scent of tears when I smell it. She's exhausted and worn down. How much more moving about can she handle? Lillian can't find anything wrong with her health but I know it's waining thin." Osmin scoffed, but he too remembered the day—The horrific day that he saw her breathe her last breath of life and return with a gasp full of it.

All at the mercy of a dying witch.

"It's her soul. I know you're hard of hearts and all, but a broken soul is harmful. My mother died and my father hardly lasted a week. Died from grief."

"We're wolves. Our bonds reign on a different plain than humans. Besides, Rhea is strong—She'll manage."

"She's human. Human and has had enough happen in her life. Perhaps a vacation would be good for her." While Osmin had laughed before, he couldn't hold back now. Not when he was bent over and let out a howl that hurt the core of his stomach with how much it ached.

"Oh, you get what I mean! She's running around all day, and the nightmares?" And that stilled the male outright as that was a private matter that a pup shouldn't be fretting about. "Oi, how do you know about that, boy?"

"I deliver eggs and milk in the morning, or did you forget?" Suppose he did, but that still didn't give him much of an understanding of how a male that hardly ever left the coop or farming handles knew so much about their Mistress—Their Luna?

Good goddess, was that how he thought as well?

"This isn't a social hour about our Luna, we're here to do a job." That certainly caught his attention, then a smile.
"So you agree?... I didn't think I was the only one, but I'm glad that...That we have a kind Luna." It was most definitely a shared thought, one that Osmin had tried his best to withhold.

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