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Ray's POV

"Objection! Objection! Lady Rhea is innocent until proven guilty!" Wilhelm roared, it seemed as though he had said it time and time again. His voice was growing strained with every piece of movement within this conversation, it seemed to be going back and forth.

None of which were in Rhea's favor.

"Until proven guilty? The poison was found in her room! Right alongside the dying King!" Morris yelled, matching so easily to the Head Advisor's volume, and the nods that transpired had caused Clive to sink further into his seat.

It was all lies, the entire lot of them. Rhea had tried to heal Ray when he had been sick, with what little they had. This was not the same female they were attempting to blame things on.

"I told you, the female was nothing but a whore...She hexed the King, how long do you think she's been tempting him with her cunt?" Tension roared, but that would not pass for judgment.

Not if Ray had anything to say about it.

"Hold your tongue, you bastard! Innocent until proven guilty!" He attempted to reason with Tension, but the fucking male had only scoffed.

"Then why did she run? Not a single person in this room knows where the hell she even is!"

"Run? She can hardly walk without a damned cane, where would she fucking run off to?" Ray snapped, knowing that Rhea wouldn't have liked how he worded his reasoning, but it was the truth.

"Another bed she's been warming, a Rogue influencer perhaps?" Morris continued, and Ray turned to Wilhelm, who was equally as exhausted as the rest.

"We cannot conclude anything upon Lady Rhea's actions or attempt against the King. And until we hear a proper word from the Healers, we will move from this conversion and onto—"
"Onto the bitch leading them right into the castle? She had planned the entire Ball, and had access to everything. Knowing full well we had important figures in these walls. It has to be her!" Edmund concluded, but he hadn't spoken much the entire time—And it confused Ray entirely.

How was this any at all fair?

"When Rhea is found, she will give a proper interrogation and trial. General Drax, what can you tell us from our acting Alpha?" The male had been utterly silent the entire time of this conversation, much like Edmund. But he hadn't spoken for or against the favor of Lady Rhea.

Leaving both Ray and Clive feeling isolated on their own track mind, though perhaps Wilhelm would be helpful, if he truly believed Rhea's motivation.

"The Rogues have been dealt with. Those who survived through our defense are currently being interrogated by Beta Elias and Delta Lyall since the end of this entire ungodly predicament." He said, cooly. But as he had risen to his feet, his eyes scanned the room and landed on the males beside him.

"But I have a question for you, Morris—Given that every single room besides your guest room had been raided by the Rogues...You best pray that innocent until proven guilty will grant you the same curiosity."

"Wh—What? How dar—" Drex had snapped, had they all forgotten who he is?!

"Don't raise your tone at me, you ignorant piece of shite. I hold power in this room. Wealthy and fancy jewels are not any match to me. I will gut the next male who decides to speak ill of Lady Rhea."
"Objection! Clearly, she has hexed our General too!" Morris shrieked, but Drex, in his full glory smirked as he managed to take the small strides off towards the skinny male.

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