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Clive's POV

Being human had its downfalls, one being that his sense of smell was considered to be below adequate compared to a wolf. But that wasn't what Clive was cursing himself for being slow for, no, he wished he could shift into a four-legged beast.

However, he managed to take the usual four-day journey to the outskirts of the pack lands surrounding the Kingdom—All in two days, though he nearly fell to the floor in excitement and exhaustion.

If it hadn't been for a few of the guards he had made friends with on previous occasions, that and he was still young in the face—Not minding the fact that he has probably experienced more devastation and cruelty than anyone in the castle as of now.

But that was beside the point, completely irrelevant, as he found the last few sprints of energy to rush into the throne room. And the poor boy couldn't manage to find the will to bow properly and instead fell on his knees, completely red in the face as he looked to an all to amused King.

"I take it is very urgent?" The male had said with a grin, and Clive had sat there like a fool as he tried to find his breath again. Thankfully, the king had taken the small strides over to his private counter, pouring himself a glass of aged whiskey and a large glass of water.

One that Clive had drank in its entirety. Which aided in slowing down his heart.

"S-sir! I-I ha-have news for you—"

"I gathered that much, considering you are meant to be stationed at the inn."

"I apologize, sir. But this couldn't wait. I've heard news about Rhea!" That had stalled the King's next sip, and undoubtedly turned his attention to the boy who was trying his best to stand, though couldn't find his strength anymore. "I came as fast as I could."

"Right you have, so, what is this news?" And the lad had started to dwell into the story of how these two travelers were speaking about a Healer in Red Moon, referring to a female and so forth.

"What was their task, do you know?"

"I heard from the innkeeper that they were leaving some supplies in the room, Ray stayed back to check things. He found them all to be reviews for a book. I haven't a clue for which book, but it seems to be from the same installment." Romulus' jaw twitched to the side, seemingly in deep thought as to what two wolves of his own kind would be doing with Rhea.

"It's pointless to ask what their ranks were...Were they season wolves?"

"I would say so, sir. The taller one I mean. The other looked young." The boy grimaced as he too didn't like being considered a hypocrite for thinking in such a way.

"They were dressed well...if that counts for much. Fine leathers, a sword, the younger of the two had a messenger bag." The King huffed in understanding as he took a thoughtful sip of his whiskey and hummed.

"The Rogues have been quiet for a while, haven't they?"

"Yes sir, we haven't caught a scent of one in some time. And the reports have been—Almost none." The two had remained silent, and Clive took the moment to close his eyes and breath fluently, a trick that Rhea herself had used a few times over.

"Alpha! Sir—!" A growl had silenced the newcomer as this was very sensitive information, but given that it was Marrow, the King allowed it. "Marrow? What are you doing here?"

"Ray stayed back, we've investigated what the damned males were doing. They're collecting book reviews, and look at this. Ray checked it over and says it feels like her work." The interest had captured Romulus' attention as he held the book and flipped through the pages.

"Well, that is very interesting...Armund A. V? Enlighten me, Clive, wasn't the former King's name Armundus?" It had taken him a moment before he smiled wide.

"A.V are her initials...Why would she not use Rhea?"

"Besides the fake that the oaf of an Alpha has probably told her we are searching for her, but a woman in the Healing realm would not be able to publish this. Thus, a male's name." Clive nodded, and Marrow smirked. "You alright there, Clive? Looks like you ran a marathon—"

"Shove it, Mar. I did my best. And I thought it was better it came from me." Romulus had allowed the two to fumble back and forth, as he was indulging in the given passages that Rhea—Amory—Had written.

The different types of aliments and cures were certainly researched, and given that Rhea has about a decade of experience, he could most surely claim that these were accurate to her time in Red Moon.

"Alpha, I spoke with the shopkeeper. The reviews are collected for some coin and at the end of the month they'll be collected. But he hasn't seen the author himself. The shipment comes directly from Red Moon." A rather frightening grin had started up on the King's face as he docked a marker in the book and held it close.

"Perhaps it is time to have a few visit Red Moon pack. That will give us some time to scout if Rhea is truly there. As well as give me time to settle a few matters here." Clive was relieved that the news had finally been discussed, until a firm look at been directed his way.

"The servants will be readying your room, Clive. You've earned a night's rest, good job, my boy." It earned him a pat on the shoulder as the king went ahead and returned to his throne.

"Not a boy," Clive grumbled, but the King turned over his shoulder and smirked.

"What was that?"

"I'm not a boy, sir."

"You're nearly there." He said with a playful wink, all while Marrow had tried to up the poor lad's spirits. But it had finally given Romulus the silence he craved to enjoy Amory's teachings.

And it was nearly identical to what he could recall from his childhood, how she would spew small facts about the very plant she was caring for. There was little difference, and it was as if Romulus could hear her voice in the very bindings in front of him.

It wasn't a very interesting read, considering that Romulus had little knowledge about the Healing community, but after a quick meeting with the Royal Infirmary. There were multiple copies surrounding the very room, and the given Healers were enriched with the new techniques that were offered.

Even giving credit to Armundus for his dedication to it all. But Romulus knew better, and even when he ran into Clive the following morning, the boy couldn't hold himself back at the thought of seeing Rhea once again.

And the King had to admit, he felt the same.


Date: 06/10/23

Time: 8:38

Words: 1190

Author's Note:

Short chapter, but just like Nelo, Clive is just as adorable.

How about one more chapter?

How about one more chapter?

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