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Healer Rhea's POV

It was fairly easy for Romulus to bid everyone goodnight, and he had found his way quite easily through the wall. But he deemed it unsafe for Amory, given that it was uneven and for the fact that he was finding it difficult to navigate through, excreting caution the entire time.

Perhaps he could manage to fix it himself. He recalled a few times where he had been handy with a hammer and such—Or, he could employ that Nelo fellow, as Amory had plenty of praise for the young pup.

The young farmer.

Though it had been some force to push the actual entrance, he realized that there had been a chair in the way. But that was an easy move, and he had finally appeared—Even if it had been hours since their dinner.

As far as the dinner had gone, he was pleased.

His inner beast was an absolute puppy with anything involving Amory, and it was a losing battle. Especially seeing her sprawled in bed, her heartbeat and breathing well-tamed—Meaning she had managed to fall asleep on her own.

But his promise came forth, to keep the nightmares away.

Yet how was he meant to feel when she had left him a note and a glass of water. She was always thinking of his health and well-being, wasn't she?

Yet it was at that moment he had caught the small slip of parchment left beside it, and it instantly brought a warmth to his heart. One he hadn't recalled happening for a long while.

I apologize for not being able to stay awake long enough to wait for you, but I'm exhausted. I look forward to the meeting tomorrow.

Goodnight, my King.

While he didn't want her to continue using the title—The stolen title—His beast had found it endearing, that she had approved of his position amongst the rest. And that was enough for him to be able to undress in the undercover darkness and place his things onto the chair.

It wasn't without reason he had put together an all-human staff for her, given that their sense of smell would not alert them to the obvious nightly guest that would come in as they pleased.

Besides, Omegas would gossip, and paid off with ease.

Calling upon his wolf had been just as easy, giving the damned beast was eager to get in bed beside her. However, he should have given himself a pep talk, given that the way he thumped and nuzzled underneath her covers had caused a sharp gasp to appear from her throat as she moved away.

"Rom?" She called out, and his ears perked—Though it was useless, given that his fur was black as the rest of the room. Yet when his nose touched her offered hand, it earned him a sigh of relief. "Gods, you are devious...Get some rest, I suppose we'll need it for the arguments tomorrow."

And they surely did.
Given that Romulus hardly managed to make it to breakfast without hearing the dozen of inquiries about a council position being given to a human female.

Ah, if only Amory had appeared sooner. He was getting a lovely spark of the temptation of causing another uproar. But given a hinted note from Lyall, it seemed that Amory was not at all discouraged.
Instead, it sounded as though she was almost eager.

He had an inkling that once she had found her footing once again, then all would be well. Though her efforts would not be in vain. There was no telling what she will accomplish as Queen, and he already knew that he would have no issue with another voice holding weight within the castle walls and beyond.

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