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Healer Rhea's POV

Rhea attempted to gather her thoughts for the day, but it ultimately failed when her team discovered an issue—The wine that was ordered to arrive by tonight was delayed.

And wouldn't be fulfilled because it tipped!

The entire carriage had spilled—Thousands of gold coins worth of product had been completely to waste. And the poor male that had to deliver the news was close to tears.

Yet Rhea was taught that very important message to not kill the messenger, even if she wanted to.

She was not going to cry over something as simple as a drink order falling apart. But that left far too much room for criticism, a party without the drinks—No, she wouldn't allow this to happen.

She would not be intimidated. Instead, she decided that she needed an expert, someone who wouldn't become tipsy so easily—And thus, when Romulus had returned with a cunning smile plastered on his face, Rhea rushed towards him and sunk deeply into his chest.

"Amory?... What's wrong?" Her name had slipped, but it was alright. This was one of the safest places for him to let his guard down, and they both knew it.

There were how many nights of sharing a bed between them? It was much easier to count how many he hadn't joined her instead.

"Lost the wine." She whispered, but he must have assumed she lost control of her own drinking as he tipped her back and took a long gaze into her eyes. "You don't smell of any—"
"My wine order! It's carriage tipped over and I've lost it all...It was the last batch in stock of your favorite brand that could make it in time for Saturday." She issued, and Romulus had fallen silent as his hands continued to run their soothing course up and down her arms.

"What are our options?" He asked, and Rhea groaned—She had been looking forward to relaxing. To tempt him by actually bending her over a table to see what was in store for her then. But it was all for not, and she huffed.

"I—I suppose there are a few wineries that could offer something else?"
"Good. I'll draft a letter in the morning for you to take. A seal and everything. Have it become a rushed order?"

"But what if you don't like it?" He sighed, trying to figure out the best approach. "You could come with me?" She asked, and the King looked down at his little mate, not liking that she had to ask—The answer should always be yes, but his line of duty made it difficult.

Not to mention that she had absolutely no clue that she is his fated mate.

"I could."

"But you can't, can you?" He grimaced at the fact that she had sounded disappointed, but truly, what more could he do in his position?

"It's difficult, Amory...I cannot leave the castle so freely anymore." Her eyes had darted this way and that for a moment, as she nodded and tried her best not to feel disappointed. Truthfully, it would have gone well, if it weren't for Romulus' wolf getting the better whiff of her emotions. "I'm sor—"

"It's fine. I'll be shackled back to the throne soon. I should enjoy the freedom I have now." He wasn't making the title sound glorious, was he?

Granted, a previous excuse would have been that the Rogue packs were still at large, and leaving the castle would be opening up for an attack—Leaving the people here defenseless and himself at an easier target.

He tried to see the issue with one afternoon, and if he brought work along for the trip, then it could be a well-offered excuse. "Alright." He whispered, but it hadn't felt as easy off the tongue as projected.

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