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Healer Rhea's POV

Not only did Rhea's body feel heavy from the weight of the dress, but her hair was adorned with gold—As Romulus had decided to spend a good portion of his coin by spoiling her. Perhaps this was his version of claiming without the bite, regardless, it was starting to irk her.

Even now, she was starting to notice the caution of some of the frequent guests of the castle acting wearier in her presence. Perhaps they heard what had happened with Mariah.

Or they were taking the King's vocal claim very seriously.

After years of not a whisper of the King's bride, announcing a wedding before announcing an engagement seemed to shock the crowd. But on another topic, how would she bring up the concept of a wedding band to a well-seasoned wolf?

Poor Romulus had enough to deal with than pertaining to human customs, though she couldn't help but feel as though it would be a mention in conversation.

Instead, Rhea had taken a slight pause in front of the double doors to what had been morphed into a temporary drawing room for her—From what she had gathered, her maids were hard at work making sure it was perfect.

Even so, she was feeling rushed.

"Lady Rhea?" The Enforcer questioned, and it nearly caused her to jump at the sound of her name, but then smiled as she recognized him almost instantly, he had been the male who aided her when Mariah attacked her. "Sorry, I was catching my thoughts..." She nodded to the male and he turned to open the door for her as she took the short steps to enter the room.

Giving the females all a chance to make their move.

There was an entirety of twelve females that made up the noblewomen, and not due to their relationship with their husbands. They were noble by birth, and Rhea's target for today was Lady Serena, who seemed to have the best holding and sway of the social environment than someone like Mariah could ever dream of.

Pity that the girl was still in the holding cell to various counts of escape and tempering with the guards.

It was well within fine etiquette to show respect to one of greater title, so when just over half of the room had stood up and bowed—Rhea had realized that perhaps there was already a great deal of support and devotion thus far.

And not that mattered much, Lady Serena had been one of the many who rose. Including a handful of humans and wolves alike.

Which meant an even slate, this translated to the fact that Rhea did have her work cut out for her indeed.

"Lady Rhea, what an honor it is to be called for tea." Lady Serena voiced, and she had all but shrugged it off—Play it cool and confident.

"Please, the honor is mine. I wish to familiarize myself with the kinder faces this court has to offer. I apologize for the state of the castle, I've told the King to ease in preparations but I believe it's Advisor Welheim's doing this morning." She claimed, taking direction as she took her seat at the head of the room.

The rest had seated themselves once she had.

Perhaps manners do still exist.

"Now then, I'd like to learn all your names and get acquainted. By the end of today, I would like to leave the room knowing who I should invite again and who I can truly invite to my tea parties." It was a declaration of work and perhaps a bit of war.

There was something Rhea knew kindly, that men fight brutally but women fight with a devious tint.

With the few timid beings in the room, it was quite easy to separate the wolves and the humans—Those who had confidence and who were lacking thereof.

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