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King Romulus' POV

To what had started as a wonderful morning, filled with a delicious spread of meats and grand company—Given that his Royal Beta and Delta had joined him. Since they have a long day filled with meetings, it was a peace offering for what would fill the better half of their schedule.

The only disappointment is that Wilhelm was among them.
Even now, Romulus wanted either Clive or Ray in his place. It made no sense to keep him much longer, but then again, Romulus didn't trust anyone in their position in watching for the Queen.

The updates have been growing, even if it has only been a given week or so since the rediscovery. Romulus was patient, and bringing the Queen in right now would tip the tides.

The council would have a reckoning, especially with how things have recently been acting up—The laws that his wolves were trying to pass were undoubtedly to suppress humankind.

And that was something that he could not do, not even when the higher-ranked humans were pushing for the same agreement. It was troubling to think that there was something that one was holding over the other.

"You look too calm, sir. Please, it's starting to make my beast uneasy." Romulus smirked at his males, nodding as he tried to return his more stoic expression.
"It's a fine morning, besides, I'm receiving updates on the Healer more frequently. It has put me in a better mood." The Delta had nodded and titled his coffee cup.
"Have you decided when you would be taking her from the pack? I understand that she is a Healer, but she could do wonders in figuring out what happened to the Rogues." It hadn't been a true thought as to when, but the reason why.

And that very reason was running through the castle walls right now—Though this time at wolf-like speed, considering Marrow hadn't allowed the human to take the initiative to deliver the message.

The doors had burst open and the wolf had skidded to a stop and shifted with ease, only to fall down to his knee in greeting to his Alpha King. "I thought I changed your orders to protect—"

"Sir, it's reported that Alpha Stephan has hurt Healer Rhea." It all happened so quickly, so much so that Romulus didn't even feel the table erupt from under him. How the entire thing had been flung towards the farthest wall without much thought.

"WHAT?!" He roared, and Marrow flinched once more as he hadn't only been crowded by both Beta and Delta, but the Alpha was stalking forward to get an answer.
Thankfully Delta Lyall managed to settle between the two.

"Let the male speak, Alpha. He comes with news and we need to hear the entirety of it." It allowed him the moment to pause, take a few deep breaths, and groan in damnation as he hadn't truly thought that things would escalate so quickly.

"Tell me." He commanded, and the poor Enforcer bowed his head. "We've infiltrated the pack as requested, it's been rather easy to disguise as travelers. Same with the humans. But this night, Petilo and I were rounding through the neighborhood where Rhea resides—The Alpha had come for a nightly visit after a pack meeting, one that hadn't gone very well." That piqued the King's interest further.

"The entire pack knows of her return?" Marrow sighed.
"I do not think that they know who Rhea truly is, no. But it seemed as though things are tense between the Alpha and her. We hadn't known he would make this visit, but he entered her home, and there was yelling and a slam before the Alpha was demanded to leave."

"Does she live alone?"

"No sir, she lives with a wolf couple and her lover." Romulus' jaw clenched as he heard the term, though it made sense, didn't it?
That Amory would take a human lover.

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