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"You're what?"

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"You're what?"

"I know it seems like it's extremely wrong, but it's not. I just need to carry on until I can afford to pay the bills."

"Ana, seriously. If you need money, I'll lend you some. You don't have to go and sell your body."

Leilana sighs from next to me, running her hand through her hair. "I'm not selling my body. I'll just do some stripping until I get enough cash. It's a good get rich quick scheme and-" She rushes her words, skipping down the hall. "-It's easier than working ridiculous hours as a waitress."

I raise my eyebrows at her questionable logic and jog to catch up with her.

"Are you sure about this? Coz if not, I can-"

Leilana places her hands on my shoulders, staring me dead in the eye. "I am an eighteen year old woman, Alayna. I am perfectly fine fending for myself."

A sigh slips out between my lips. "Okay. Okay, if you're absolutely sure."

"I am absolutely, irrevocably, indecently, inevitably sure." Leilana laughs, dragging me into our break room.

Many of our other friends were already sitting in our designated area, munching on their lunch.

"Hey, guys!" Leilana greets, ignoring the immense amount of chairs in the room and perking her ass on the table. Everyone greets her back, except Ennis, who is too busy ogling Willow to notice anyone else.

Ennis and Willow recently started hanging out again. They're so sickeningly cute, it makes everyone else in the room feel incredibly single- which most of us are. Sydney, my other friend, starts talking about her most recent shopping trip, making the rest of the group groan in annoyance.

"Sydney Elizabeth, you literally told us about this on facetime last night." Willow says, causing Sydney to scrunch her nose in confusion.

"I did? Gosh, I don't remember." She presses a hand against her forehead. "What are the symptoms of losing your memory?"

"Probably just-"

"Asking the same question repeatedly, forgetting common words and mixing words up, to name a few." Ennis interrupts, pushing his glasses further up his nose.

Willow squeezes his cheek, smiling up at him.

"You're so cute." She turns to us. "Isn't he cute?"

Everyone turns to Ennis as his face turns red. He quickly covers his cheeks with his hands, leaning into Willow as she laughs and puts her arm around his shoulders, pulling him in. She places a small kiss on the side of his head and I think I almost gagged.

Leilana looks at me and shivers, showing that she also feels as single and lonely as me.

Conversation bustles around me and I take a bite out of my sandwich, looking around the room. My eyes land on the boy who always stays at the back of the classroom. A hood is always covering his nest of blonde hair and his feet are propped up on the table, a phone resting in his hand.
I silently watch him, absorbing his attire and punctuality.

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