1: A normal evening

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-3rd POV-

Vatican City, or, Vatican for a shorter (and easier name) to remember, adjusted the lock of golden-brown hair in the wrong place. He blinked his golden eyes. He looked at his unusual pupils. Instead of the normal pupil shape, he was one of the 'lucky' countries of having different shape pupils..His were crosses. They were white pupils with a yellow outline.

He wasn't really sure what to do to pass the time, since, not many came to visit him obviously, he had got the Bible out and started to read it. Sure he's read it many times before, but, it's a good book.

He sat down on his couch, and read his book.. He thought about taking a late night walk..Ooh, that sounded very nice! He shall do that! But..it wasnt late enough currently..hmm..

"Ooh! A café!" Vatican said to literally nobody but the air. He sat his Bible down carefully and headed towards a nearby café. He walked with such grace, other countries looked down to see him. Sure, he was the shortest country..in the world, but it never bothered him..

Except when people made fun of him for it. Though, instead of thrashing out on the person making the comment, like most other countries, he'd keep calm and thank them for the comment. He had decency.

He walked into the café and sat down. A waiter came up to him and asked him what he wanted. He asked for a water only. The waiter nodded and left.

'I wish I brought my Bible..' Vatican thought. It gets boring alone most of the time, but again..very peaceful. Yes, very peaceful. He looked around the café were few civilians sat.

The waiter came back with the water and asked the man for the check.

"Are you sure you don't want any food?" The waiter asked.

"Yes," Vatican said. "I'm not hungry currently, only thirsty." He smiled politely at the man. The waiter nodded.

Vatican waited for about a good 2 minutes before the man came back with the check. Vatican sighed the check and left a small tip with cash before exiting with his water.

The day grew darker by the minute and Vatican sighed. Autumn was coming very soon, then winter. Sure, it wasn't his favorite season, but after winter was spring, when everything bloomed.

A breeze passed through Vatican making him shiver ever so slightly. He walked back home at a fine pace. He sipped his water 'till it was gone. He threw it away in its designated spot. He looked at the sky, which was a nice purple.

"Guess this counts as my walk, huh?" He said, again, to no one. He chuckled and continued. He arrived at his house and opened the door. He yawned as he closed it.

He just wanted some sleep, but honestly, all he had to "eat" was water. He got into his clothes and drifted off to sleep.



Sorry for it being so short--
But, this story is based off the book
"The Murder Book" by The_Official_Dettol
(If y'all didn't read the summary all the way--)
Anyway, byeeee!

(Word count including A/N: 544 words)

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