8. New Annoyance

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-Russia's POV-

I woke up on the couch to a very violent shake from a single hand. I tried to figure out who was shaking me before I woke up..Vatican wouldn't shake me..I'd be the one shaking him..but he's the only one that can see me..what?!

"Wake up you commie!" The voice whisper-yelled. Oh, America arrived! I opened my eyes and smiled at him. Which caused him to yelp. Is my smile that bad?

(Gore Warning)
(God, this took 1 hour 2 mins)

I took the details of America. He had a white blanket wrapped around him and dark gray sleeves popping out of them, holding a Bald Eagle plush. Well, I guess it worked. He had little Bald Eagle wings floating 'round him. His pupils were nice. There was one blue circle and one red star. Pretty.

One thing thats the first thing any country could see that he was covered with blood. Except his hair..he always managed to keep it in a jumble, but nothing (not even dust or pollen) got in..add blood to the list.

His face went from petrified to anger. "You damn commie! Scared me half to death!" He rolled his eyes.

"You are dead yknow~" I pointed out.

"I'm WHAT!?" He yelled. I covered his mouth instantly.

"Shut up~! You'll wake Vatican, and it's fun to shake him awake~" I rolled my eyes. America pried my hand off of his mouth.

"Damn, why's ya voice so raspy?" He asked.

"Eh~ it's either Vatican's tea skills or the rat poison~" I replied.

"How'd I die?" The American asked. It made me roll my eyes a second time. I sat up to tell the very short story.

"I helped Vatican break into your window, which you bluntly left unlocked, and then he locked you door, just incase you woke up. You didn't. And then he stabbed you atleast 3 times..I looked away at three~" I shrugged.

"Oh, wow, how'd you die?" He asked.

"Eh, I apparently annoyed Vatican a bit too much and then he invited he over for tea--"

"The fu-?" He started. I put my hand of his mouth again and continued.

"-but that was apart of his plan. He poisoned the tea with rat poison, which is poisonous to countries. Deadly poisonous~" I paused. America pried my hand off his mouth.

"If we're being honest, I tasted the tea before the poison. Once I did, I started coughing. And then died. The rest of the story would be told by Vatican. He somehow put me in an alley way and didn't get caught? Oh, I think my sister came over~" I took a deep breath. "Now~ let's awake Vatican~?"

Me and America grinned at the same time. I grabbed his hand and stood up, then I dragged him to Vatican's room. I slowly opened the door. Yes! Still asleep!

-America's POV-

I was trying to get a good glimpse of Vatican before Russia dragged me in fully. I looked at Russia who looked at me. We basically had a convo through looking at eachother and grinning. The plan was to carefully grab Vatican and then fly up a bit high, then drop him! Boom!

We slowly approached Vatican and Russia started floating. I started to flap the wings that were floating next to me. We slowly grabbed Vatican and raised him until Russia's head reached the ceiling. Then, we dropped him, which instantly awoke him.

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