4. Hide Him..Quick!

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-Vatican POV-

I watched the nation perish slowly, but surely..it was..weird..yes, werid..and awfully diffrent. Oh, but it was mesmerizing. I wondered why I wasn't doing anything. Nothing popped up.

"Va-..tican?" The Russian coughed.

"Yes?" I replied.

"W-...hy?" He chocked.

"Do you know what it feels like to be called 'short' everyday?" I started. Nothing. "No! You pulled the last straw.." Russia coughed more, each one getting more deadly.

"Wh..-at...ab-o-" He started, then coughed. "A-..bout....God?" I glared at him.

"He'll understand.." I said. Apparently those were the last words he heard...he didn't move after that.. oh, but how to hide this tall country? I mean, can't one just hide it in a dumpster? Surely they can..but it'd be risky..

But worth it. I picked the two cups and put mine on the counter by the sink. I took the other one and washed it firmly, my hands got wet. Then I thought..

The fingerprints.

Oh..I forgot to wear gloves...how stupid could I be? Better question, how do I make an lie for this? Oh..I found some nearby glove and put them on instantly. I grabbed the box and put it in the dead man's hand, spread his fingerprints.. I made it look like he opened it and drank the substance. I hope..

I looked out to the dark night.. I checked the time on my phone. 7:50. I grabbed Russia's phone and opened it.

Seriously? No password?

And I thought I was stupid, he full on didn't even bother lock his phone. Well, I mean, he is the password now that I actually think of it..eh, still.

I opened up his texts messages. The most recent one was from Ukraine, his sister (Though he didn't like to bring that up). I read the conversation they had from the beginning of 6:49PM:

(Heh, text convo time ^^)

Ukraine: Hey, Russia. When you gonna be back?

Oh, I should be home no later than 8:30

Ukraine: And if you arent?

Go to Vatican's house, I'm heading there.

Ukraine: Okay!
(Read: 6:59PM)


Dang it..she'd be coming here around 8:30.. I needed to act fast.. luckily, there are dumpsters nearby. And if I act fast, I'll be able to make it.

-time skip-

I adjusted the Russian by the dumpster and put the poison in his hand. My, was that hard..but it was done fast atleast! I quickly checked the time.


I panicked. I looked around. No one. Good. I ran, okay, sprinted, home and rushed in the back door. I checked the time again.


Ukraine was almost always never late, and I doubt she'd be late. I (carefully) threw the teacup I used into the sink and threw the gloves into a kitchen drawer. I cleaned up a tad and lit a candle to rid the vodka scent. Sure, it didn't get it all gone, but that made it perfect..

I sat on the couch and calmed myself down. I grabbed my Bible and started to read. I checked the clock again.



I prepared myself for a knock. I didn't want to look horrible when Ukraine did arrive.


Oh, here she was. I saw Russia's phone on the table still and silenced it. I threw it under the couch and calmed down once more. I gracefully got up and hair covered my eye, which I was okay with, it's not like it it'd kill me. Sighing, I walked to the door and opened it, still holding my Bible.

"Oh, greetings Ukraine!" I said cheerfully.

"Hello, Vatican. Has Russia been by?" She said.

"Yes," I said, "he asked for rat poison and left." I said.

"I thought he was coming over for tea?" Ukraine said suspiciously.

"He didn't, he canceled," I lied.


"Sorry, Ukraine. I'll give I call if I see him though!" Cheer filled my words though, reality was much more dreadful..

"Okay.." She said dimfully. Yes, they hated eachothers gut, but who's gut would they hate on without the other?

"Bye, Ukraine," I said.

"Bye.." I shut the door once she turned around and left. Once I returned to the couch, my right eye, covered with hair, gave off a pain. I immediately covered up the eye in pain.

'Maybe it's a hair?' I thought. I mean, why wouldn't it be? Still, I'd have to check just in case. Who knows? It could be something much worse. I got up and walked over to the bathroom and looked in the mirror.

"It can't be bad!" I said, lifting the locks of hair covering his right eye.

Yes, it could be something worse..

It was something worse..much worse..


Tell me if I have any grammar mistakes!

(( Story Words: 805
Words including A/N: 823 ))

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