10. more? goddammit..

43 2 11

[[3rd pov]]

"Vatican!" America yelled once inside Vatican's house.


"I want my friends lol-" America said.

"Bro, no. I'm already gunna see yo dead people," Vatican said.

"Nah, Japan made that website, she ain't always right, and it ain't even Wikipedia!" America rolled his eyes.

"Fine, Russia, you want anybody?" Vatican asked. Russia shook his head. This was the time of day where Russia stayed quiet so his throat wouldn't hurt. Vatican turned to America. "Okay? Who do you want, and then I'm not going to do more, you can haunt others,"

"Ooh! Mexico and Canadia!" America grinned.

"You want your brother? And your friend?" Vatican questioned.

"No! Canada ain't no biological brotha'. He fuckin' adopted, he was the Royal New France's child!" America rolled his eyes.

"But isn't France your m-"

"NO! No, no! The British Empire never married the Royal New France! And, I'm older than France! Getcha history right!" America paused. "Ooh~! Russia, wanna haunt China for a tad?" Russia nodded and then, they poofed into thin air.

"I hate my life," Vatican said, planning the two murders.

-with Russia and America-

America and Russia poofed in China's house, near the table. Luckily, China had walked away to grab his food.

"Ooh! Russia, sit here, and I'll sit there!" America pointed to one seat on the left of where China would probably sit, hence the water glass sitting there. Russia nodded and sat in the one America had pointed to.

America said across from him. China came back with his food and sat down. He instantly shivered as he was cold.

"Just incase he can see ghosts, stick with that you killed yourself and I mysteriously died, 'K? 'Cause he could see us before-!" America looked at Russia who rolled his eyes and nodded.

China had reached up to take off his glasses, the two dead countries assuming to wipe them, hence, he did that every once in a while.

Once he did, his eyes bulged. "R-Russia?" Russia waved.

"Hey China!" America grinned. He was called an attention seeker often, and anybody who did call him one, wasn't wrong.


"One and only!" He put his hands on his hips.

"Why can you talk and Russia can't?"

"I..can talk China~ it's..j..ust..my v..oice..gets...ras..py..~" Russia grinned.


"For fucks sake--" America groaned.

"I..poison..ed..my..se..lf...rem..em..b..er..~?" Russia's grin dipped.

"But, you have no reason to?"

"I do~ U..kr..ai..ne.." Russia started coughing.

"Bro, stop talking for real, you'll die a second time," America lifted his head up. Russia shot a dirty look.

"I'm scared~~~~" America mocked. Russia rolled his eyes and talked through facial expressions.

"Dauym! Fine! Just don't take George.." America glared at Russia, his look said 'I will mf.' America gasped at that. "No! Nuh-uh!"

China had slowly finished his dinner while the two bickered. China got up and washed the dishes from dinner. Once he returned, America had a grateful look, while Russia had a sorrowful look on their face.

"We gotta go, put yo glasses on boomer," America grinned and the two living dead vanished. China shook his head and put his glasses back on.

Lol- this ain't as long as my usual ones--
Hope it was good tho lol


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2023 ⏰

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