3: Some "Calm" Tea

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-3rd POV-

Vatican was (calmly) hyperventilating on the way back to his house. Oh, what'd he do..he invited the tallest country, in the world, to the world's smallest country's house.. What tea did he even like? Maybe some green tea? Yeah..that works.

Vatican thought of everything needed to prepare, in which in conclusion, turned out to not be much stuff. Make the tea (obviously) and maybe make some food if there's time..? And tidy up. How'd he almost forget that?

Vatican opened his door to his household and entered. He first off tidied up the house a tad so it looked decent to approach. Not many came over, so it was his own little space! He then got some tea cups out. He checked the time.

Oh..it was 6:59. Right as he placed the tea cups down, it turned 7:00PM. That was also made by a loud knock from the front side of Vatican's house. Vatican sighed and went to greet the country.

Vatican opened the door and warmly greeted Russia, who had a stone cold look on his face.

"Come in, Russia! I was just about to make some tea," Vatican said.

"Lovely," Russia said, entering the house.

"Is green tea fine?" Vatican asked.

Russia nodded, "It's perfectly fine, short one," Vatican twitched at the insult. But, he twitched ever so slightly, Russia didn't notice (thank god).

"It'll be out soon, the living room is over there," Vatican said, pointing towards the living room. Russia nodded and walked down.

Vatican went back towards the kitchen. "Why can't he always be this decent?" Vatican mumbled quietly. He fixed his green tea and set it off to the side.

As he was preparing Russia's tea, something weird caught his eye. He turned his head toward the object. The lettering wasn't the biggest and Vatican squinted to see it.

Rat Poison

Oh..why'd he have that? Vatican thought of anytime he used rat poison. Then he remembered that he got it just in case he got rats. He stared at it a tad longer.

'What happens to a country when the drink rat poison..? Sure, humas get sick or die...but what about countries?' Vatican thought, stepping to the rat poison in the corner of his kitchen wall.

The temptation had pulled him in. He grabbed the box. He poured it into the tea cup. It was green, but not the right shade of green to pass as tea.. no...he looked at the tea kettle holding some green tea. Vatican poured a bit in there.

It was the right shade now..and it now smelt like green tea. Vatican grabbed his white-colored tea cup and brought Russia's green one over. He set it in front of him, and set his cup in front of his seat before seating himself.

"Took you long enough.." Russia muttered. Vatican forced a smile. He'd say something, but Russia muttered so quietly that it seemed like it didn't want to be heard, so Vatican kept quiet.

Vatican grabbed his cup of tea and took a sip. Ah, normal green tea. Wonderful, isn't it? Vatican saw Russia stare at him, or well, look down and stare at him. Vatican was only 3,11. The man was 7,2.

Vatican ushered him to drink his tea. Russia snapped out of his haze and nodded. He picked it up..Vatican smiled so heavenly..Russia took a sip..

Then his eyes widened with fear (and a tad bit of disgust-).



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