5. No, no, no, NO!!

38 2 21

-3rd POV-

Vatican stared at his right eye in shock. 'No, no, no, no!' He thought over and over again. His face went pale-ish. His pupil's outline--obviously his right--was red. Usually, the crosses in his eyes were outlined with yellow! Not red! Absolutely not red.

He knew his Bible wouldn't do much good in this situation, in others, its perfect. Sure, he knew nothing about pupils with unique shapes, so, perhaps..look it up?

My, Vatican almost never used the internet. Unless it was necessary. And this was the most necessary moment in his life. He didn't have his own phone, hence not using much technology. He could walk from distances, and barely anyone came to visit.

Infact, today was the day were he had the most visitors..ever since he was recognized as a country. He thought of what to use to search up (as America--the internet expert--said) what the heck was wrong with his eye.

He "unlocked" the phone and went on to the search browser. He searched up (exactly) "Unique pupil information for countries". Kinda long. He scrolled a bit after pressing "search" and then stopped on the website he needed.

'Perfect!' He thought. He clicked on the link several times before it actually decided to work with him.

Rare Pupil Information for CountryHumans!
(Made by: /////////)

    Rare country pupils consist of stars, fire, x's, water, and finally, the rarest, crosses (like Jesus-).

(Choose a link to learn more-!)






Vatican clicked the 'Crosses' link multiple times before it actually worked. He believed they had something against him.

Cross Pupil Information:

    The cross pupils are the rarest due to them only given to the holiest country. Yes, only ONE country can receive the cross pupils. If two countries have cross pupils, the either have an alliance or were/are apart of eachother (by love, or literally).

    For alliance cross pupils, the country who DOES NOT have the cross pupils originally will gain only ONE cross pupil. While the country who has the cross pupils originally will have nothing changed to them.

    The cross pupils are outlined with a bright yellow (not to bright to not be seen though) with a pure, white inside. Though, the pupils can change color.

'Perfect! Just what I need!' Vatican thought. He scrolled down more to see more of the text.

    It will only change if the holy person has done something horrific, like murder or kidnapping, etc. But, only ONE pupil changes, the other shall stay the same, unless a large mass (20 or more) of murder and/or kidnapping is committed, and the person doesn't reveal themselves, but hides it. The first time one of these horrific things are done, the outline for the RIGHT pupil shall turn red.

No..it can't be happening..these are his symptoms. What happens if more than 20 are killed, kidnapped, etc.? He questioned himself other things before snapping out and reading more.

    Though, if 10+ countries are killed, the inside of the right pupil becomes a dark black. If 15 countries are killed, the left pupil gains a red outline. If 20+ people are killed, the left eye becomes the same.

    For these cross-pupil people, each person they kill, will stay with them..forever, of course, the day after they kill them. No one else can see or hear them, from what I know. They most likely will have the same behavior, but others will have a new personality. But, they are all harmless. If they act scary, the person who murdered won't be hurt.

    No, there is also no way to get rid of the pupil outlines and fillings. They stay there forever.

Hope this was helpful y'all! I'll update every time I get new info!!


(Last updated yesterday)

Vatican sighed with relief and displeasure at the new information he got. He decided it'd be best to go to bed, since he would probably he awoken by some spirt, might aswell get some sleep, huh?

He closed the tab on Russia's phone and set it to the side on the coffee table. He was tired anyhow. He got up and got ready for bed before going under the warm covers and drifting off to sleep.



robs no more author notes unless its big lol

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