2: Aggravating..

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-3rd POV-

Vatican woke to his alarm clock ringing in his ears. Yeah, sure, it was horrid, but it did the job. He pressed snooze and sat up. He rubbed his eyes and opened his curtain, leading in golden sunlight.

Even through the window it felt warm. He got ready for the UN meeting he was to go to. He put on his signature outfit and adjusted his sleeves and hat. UN had always told them to dress to the culture of their country. Some wouldn't and would use the reason "It's apart of my culture!". Vatican, was not one of them. He liked his culture. It was..him.

Vatican finally stopped fidgeting realizing he would be late if he continued much longer. He ran (speed-walked) to the door and put on some shoes. The UN building wasn't far, in fact, it was in walking distance! Vatican rarely used a car anyway, so it was perfect.

He walked down to the building as graceful as ever and entered. Vatican entered the meeting room and took his place. He sat down  with all of the stuff he needed infront of him. Nothing. Great! He looked around the seats to see if UN changed them. They did every 3 months or so.

His eyes spotted the country to his right.


The tallest country next to him? Oh brother.. How'd that work out? Would he be made fun of for the...well..he lost count. Meh, it's not like the insults were new. They were mostly: "Hey short-stuff." And "Shortie." But they weren't a problem. He had decency. He would never lay a hand on anyone with the intention of harm.


The room filled with countries. Vatican's face filled with dread as Russia walked in. He had a jacket with a hood, which had a (really) fluffy and large rim, pulled back and he had a blue shirt. His sweatpants were a plain gray along with his shoes.

'Boring..' Vatican thought. Russia found his new seat and plopped in. The meeting began and Vatican payed close attention, while it was obvious Russia partially did, making sure he wasn't called on whatsoever.

In the middle of the meeting Russia leaned over and looked down at Vatican. Vatican knew he was being watched--due to him being very sensible of his surrounding--and ignored it.

"Vatican..the shortest country to ever exist.." Russia whispered. Vatican ignored it, trying to fill Russia's words, but it was hard. Especially when he wouldn't stop with the insults

"Funny how your so short..How'd a city even become a country? Like, might aswell turn Moscow to a country," He mocked putting his hands up. Vatican continued to ignore the insults. "Man..maybe an ant is taller then you.."

"Physically impossible," I returned under my breath. He must've heard me..who else who'd reply like,

"Not with your height..maybe I can go measure a an ant," He tapped his chin. The insults were starting to get to him. Especially since there was no way to stop them.

The insults kept coming..Vatican was willing to jump infront of a bus.. Vatican's fist clenched with each word. Eventually, Vatican couldn't handle it much more.

"Hey Va-" He started, but was interrupted mid sentence.

"How 'bout you come over to my place?" He quietly blurted. Russia looked at him odd.

Vatican smiled warmly and clasped his hands together. "It'd be funny, the shortest nation hanging out with the tallest!" He chuckled.

Russia rolled his eyes, "Fine, only because I have nothing else to do.." Vatican smiled a forced one. Russia nodded.


Vatican told Russia to meet him at 7PM sharp and gave him a map to his house. The Russian thanked him and left. Vatican smiled all the way back.

God would understand..He always did..

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