7. New Victim

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-3rd pov lol-

Russia's eyes lit up with confusion. "What do you mean~?" He titled his head to the side.

"You know exactly what I mean," Vatican said flat as ever. Russia put his hand on his chin in a thinking motion.

"OOHH--yeah--WAIT what~!?" Russia yelled.

"Ow! Stop yelling!" Vatican said, annoyed.

"Not like anyone can hear--" The Russian was cut off.

"Answer my question and I'll let you watch the news," Vaitcan huffed. Russia put his finger on Vatican's chest, since it was the only thing he could touch. Countries.

"You sly fox~" Russia said. He than instantly changed his mood which was usual about now. "Yeah, I'd like someone here though!"

"Cool, who?" Vatican said, putting the groceries away. Russia smiled, he gave off a creepy aura, but not as creepy as Vatican's..

"America~," Russia said, his aura darkening. The Russian's answer startled the 'holy' country.

"Don't you two hate eachother?" Vatican said, puzzled.

"I said I'd like someone here, not a friend~" Russia paused. "Tormenting him would be fun~ ooh~~ wonder if the people he killed would be here~" Russia's face lit up with excitement and curiosity.

"Wh-" Vatican said before getting cut off.

"Now, turn the news on~ I wonder if they found me~" Russia's eyes gleamed.

"They should've, I gid you obvious," Vatican mumbled. Vatican walked to the living room and flipped on the television. He never knew why he had it, he just did.

Russia floated over there and sat on the far right side of the couch.  Vatican picked up his Bible and curled his yellow wings around him. The feathers of his gave him warmth. Especially since he was shivering that if they found him, he'd hold the funeral.

"Today on Great News Tonignt, AKA GNT, the missing country Russia-" The news man said sitting at his desk said. A picture of Russia (the same one from the bulletin board) was plastered on there. "-has been found,"

Russia cheered like a child, Vatican just curled his wings tighter. He was bored, really bored. "So, what's the plan to murder America?" Vatican interrupted Russia's joy.

"Oh, yes~ I though that since I can carry countries, we go to his house--" Russia started.

"You know where he lives?!"

"--and then kidnap him, bring him to the street, awaken him for fun!" Russia did a little clap and grin. "Murder him, then ta-da~"

"Or, I can invite him over?" Vatican said.

"If you keep inviting the countries that go missing, others will get suspicious yknow~?" Russia rolled his eyes.

"Fine, that works. Just gotta wait 'till he's asleep I guess.." Vatican sighed.

"Ooh~ can you turn on Peppa Pig~?" Russia asked.

"Wha- why?" Vatican asked.

"Well~ before you murdered me, I watched Peppa every night..now I gotta watch two episodes to catch up~~" Russia huffed.

"I have a feeling America is going to be no better.." Vatican mumbled under his breath.

"Huhm?" Russia said.

"Nothing, I'm just gunna go find gloves.." Vatican mumbled standing up. He stretched his wings and hid them back.

"Damn, didn't know you had those~" Said the Russian. Vatican nodded and went to find what he needed.

-time skip to outside America's window..cuz..lazy-

-Russia POV-

Vatican tried to climb to the windowsill on the first story, right infront of America's window. Sure, Vatican was 3'11..but this was just sad.

"Want some help~?" My voice was ratchet and hurt.. It also drained off at the end. All. The. Time. I assume it was from the rat poison-tea. Damn did that taste bad. At first, I tasted the actual taste of the tea. Not the poison. Vatican really needs cooking lessons. After I tasted the horrible tea, I then tasted the poison.

"No! I can do this myself!" He whisper-shouted back. He climbed almost up to the windowsill before falling on the ground.


Dang was he short and weak. "Fine, I do need help.." Vatican mumbled. I grinned at him before picking him up and slowly opening the unlocked window. He gaped at the such ease I made it look like. I climbed inside and brought Vatican with me.

America was asleep in his bed--obviously--holding an American Bald Eagle plush tightly.

"If you kill him with the plush, is it there with him later~?" I asked, genuinely curious.

"Wanna test out?" Vatican grinned.

"Wait? How do we not get caught though~?" I asked

"Hmm..lock the door?" Vatican asked. I shrugged and agreed. It was much better than nothing. Vatican held a natural face as he locked the door. He then returned to hover over America. I, personally, was ready to grab him and dip.

Vatican gave a creepy aura before stabbing America in stomach..atleast three times. I looked away at three. Thankfully (is it?) America didn't scream.

"Done," those words weren't the best, but sure. I looked back and saw a bloody mess. I sighed and grabbed the short country. Once I did, I realized he wore an apron. Like, on of those aprons chefs have! But, it was all red.

-at vaticans lovely house-

Luckily, nobody noticed us. Well, obviously not me, but Vatican. He was short though, so he could've hid without me flying him around. Vatican had ditched the knife somewhere random. I forgot where though.

Vatican had burned the apron (I kinda liked it, it had..meaning?) and gloves. And then after that he went to sleep. Sure, I didn't need sleep. But it always feels nice to slip away to the hands of the conscience and unconscious.

I had curcled up on my favorite spot on the couch. The far right. It was warm and comfy. Cozy if you say. I had a blanket with me because I always got cold on stupid occasions, this being one.

I was excited to torment America when he arrived. He'll be pissed. One, 'Cause he's dead, two, 'Cause I can be very annoying. I thought over these over and over again.

I decided to actually get some sleep and that I did.

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