6. Yay, your back..

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-3rd pov-

Vatican was shaken awake. It obviously scared him, hence absolutely no one lived with him. Until now. Vat8can shot up after 3-5 shakes.

"Good morning~" The figure infront of him said. Vatican got a good look at their flag. White on the top, blue in the middle, and red on the bottom.

"Russia!?" Vatican yelped retreating to the other side of the bed.

"The one and only~" Russia said in a raspy voice, turning upside down, grinning. He held his ushanka on his head so it wouldn't fall off.

"Your personality changed a bit," Vatican mumbled. Russia frowned.

"Your's did to~" Russia spat. Vatican nodded a bit. "Ooh, did Ukraine come looking for me here~?"

Vatican nodded.

"How'd you cover up my death~?" Russia asked flipping over again.

"Made it look like you did it," Vatican said simply.

"Ouch..I have no reason to kill myself though? Well, except one..~" Russia put his hand on his chin.

"Which is..?" Vatican ushered him to say it.

"Eh, to escape my sister, Ukraine..~" Russia said. Vatican grinned. "The war was stupid and it caused plenty pain to me aswell~~" Russia had frowned at that.

"Oh, yeah, your phone's still here," Vatican said.

"How is that relevant~?" Russia asked. "It's not like I can pick it up anyway~" Vatican sighed.

"I'm going to go get food for breakfast, want to come?" Asked Vatican.

"Your not dressed for that~" Russia pointed out.

"I will be once you give me the chance to," Vatican said through gritted teeth. Russia took the social que and vanished. Vatican got dressed in his usual outfit. An exact copy of yesterday's.

Vatican walked out of the room and saw Russia setting on the couch.

"Damn bro, why don't ya get normal clothes~?" Russia gestured to his dark jacket with the fluffy rim and striped shirt, specifically it had blue stripes.

"Thanks for the offer, I'll think about it," Vatican said. "Now come on," Russia groaned and got up. Vatican stopped right at the door. "Don't make me look insane, hence don't be annoying."

"Fine~" Russia huffed.

Vatican walked down the street while Russia floated down. They soon reached the grocery store and once inside Vatican gave a real quick look to Russia basically repeating the last sentence before exiting the house.

Russia nodded with a frown. Vatican quickly and quietly got the things he needed before checking out. There was a bulletin board behind the cashier--who looked really emo---which had all types if papers. Right in the middle, was a missing poster..for Russia.

Russia noticed it almost instantly, for he made comments about the poster, which Vatican chose to ignore. "Dauym~ that had to use that photo? I have much better ones in my phone, and at home..I bet Ukraine did this..she had to use that photo~?" Russia whined about these until the cashier said something.

"Sir? Are you okay? You looked pissed," she said monotone.

"Fine, Miss.." Vatican forced out.

"Okay. Have a nice day," she said monotone, again.

"You too.." Vatican mumbled as he grabbed the groceries. Russia waved goodbye to her, though she didn't wave back for obvious reasons.

-at the house ^^-

Vatican stumbled inside and shut the door behind Russia, then put the groceries down in the kitchen. His eye caught the knife stand.

"Russia?!" Vatican called out. Russia poofed right behind Vatican.

"Yes? I need to finish my show~" Russia complained.

"Want a friend with you?" Vatican grinned.

Not So Holy Now, Are You? //NOT COMPLETE//Where stories live. Discover now