chapter 3

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   The two continued to talk before a knock could be heard making Dream look at it confused but Killer laughed a little before getting up and opening a door to see chaos unfold: Dust was chasing down Horror who was high on sugar, Nightmare who was standing on the door was yelling through the phone and Error was under two student council members who were t-posing and grinning like devils.

                     - Dreams pov: -

    I heard some voices coming from outside so I decided to see what was going on finding that Killer was now talking to someone with blue eyes, tan skin color, black hair and who was also wearing cyan shirt, black ripped jeans along with black boots with cyan ties and black jacket with spikes. I blinked rather confused and scared hiding behind Killer the aura they had was scary... it was so gloomy and dark... but it was also familiar, not their aura, their face.

    "Dream?" Killer looked at me as I blinked and stared at him as his brown eyes stared at my yellow eyes I stared for awhile before realising I was squizing him really bad. I blushed embarrassed as I apologised over and over again gaining everyone's attation right off the bat which made me even more embarrassed. Killer chukled and patted my head saying that it was alright. I whined saying it wasn't and how I squished him with my bear hug before we both got interrupted by a fake cough.

    "Am I interrupting something?" Asked a voice full of chilling tone it was scary. Everything was scary after escaping the lab but that's off the point... The voice however belonged to someone that wore a hoodie and had hitrochromic eyes one brown mixed with honey like color and another brown eye, they had white skin and dark brown hair. They also seem strong enough because they are holding a passed out person who has red hair too.

    "Come in y'all, I have someone to introduce to you!" Killer said making me glance at him before backing away and letting the others in.


    Once everyone was in and introduced the group of eight were now playing truth or dare and now was Dreams turn and Nightmare's turn to ask Nightmare let out a groan because he got dragged in it but still asked: "Dream truth or dare?" Dream thought for a moment before saying: "truth." Nightmare let out an amused hum as he asked: "why exactly do you believe we trust you on the 'I'm just an run away experiment after age of six.' Part?"
    Killer looked at Nightmare and then at Dream who looked uncomfortable and extremely bothered speaking to Dream: "Dream if you feel bothered by the question you can skip your turn." Dream shook his head and said: "no, it's fine. They want to know and so do you." Dream said before taking a breath in and out before speaking once more: "you might have noticed my diffrent eye color." Dream got interrupted by Error who rolled his hazel and dark brown eyes as he spoke: "as if they aren't simply fake."
    Dream frowned knowing this would happen but kept talking as he avoided everyones eyes as he spoke: "the day before I was sold to the lab me and my brother had a huge fight which caused him to ignore me. I do not blame him however, he has a point and we both were just children. But that aside this eye color of mine isn't fake." Dream said as he poked his eye and showed everyone that it was his true eye color as he said another thing that made Nightmares deja vu even higher: "if I didn't fought with my brother and made him cry maybe mother wouldn't have sold me and forced me to be walking positive catcher..."
    And then the room went silent while Dream broke down remembering how and what happened in details. He then felt arms wrap around him in a hugging manner and hear a calm voice say: "shhh... it's okay now. I'm here."

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