chapter 24

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    Nightmare looked around seeing everything going black once more going back to the void of darkness his dreams included. Hours have passed after Nightmare blanked out and once he woke up he saw a monochrome person with heterochromic eyes staring at him with tears in his eyes along with his friends who were passed out or seemed weak. Once the stranger noticed Nightmare woke up their face had a tiny amount of hope for something Nightmare didn't know. Due to Nightmare's weakness he couldn't get up or do anything so instead he asked: "who are you?."

    The question cought the other off guard before tearing up due to shock of pain and agony then wiping the tears away before letting go of Nightmare and speaking: "what do you mean?" They asked earning annoyed look from Nightmare then hearing him speak again: "I asked who are you?"
    The monochrome skeleton stared in shock before coming back to reality and hesitantly speaking: "you, don't remember me?" His voice was heartbroken but hid it within his mask before a voice interuppted them: "of course he doesn't remember you son."
    Nightmare looked at the heterochromic person in shock yet confusion before asking: "what is going on?" Nightmare couldn't recall anything as his head started to spin.
    Cross frowned before taking a deep breath in and saying: "you came here, for me... we knew each other but I got kiddnapped, you searched for me I hurted you and now you're in this lab..." Nightmare stared at the other in disbelief but Cross kept speaking: "I'm Cross. Your brothers friend... me and you got close but I guess I was at cloud nine to keep my guard up..."
    Suddenly a voice interuppted the two as the adult male spoke: "quit making the effects hurt the presidents son Cross." Cross glared at the camera while Nightmare was too cought off guard to even do anything all the things Cross spoke spinning around his head but the father son talk kept going on and on before X spoke: "very well then, I've made up my mind." He said as he pressed a button connecting other rooms where rest were before speaking: "since each of you came here to save one another but unfortunately for Cross." The owner glanced at Cross with spite and kept speaking: "I came up with decetion to let you choose who stays here, in this lab and who leaves." Nightmare and others stared at the cameras in shock mostly spseficly Dream, Killer, Dust, Horror Lust and Nightmare while Cross was just looking down.
    X kept speaking before getting interrupted by Cross: "I'll give you five..."
    "I'll stay... I caused even more problems then there was." Nightmare looked at the other in shock while Lust and Dream with fear and worry shouted at Cross to not do so but it was too late...
    X agreed and made a gas leak out and the gas made everyone in the rooms pass out...


496 words woo! The end too <3

Thanks for reading ♡

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