chapter 11

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   Cross kept his pride and bravery high while he spoke with hatered: "I don't care what you say old man." The replay earned an amused hum from the other before they spoke: "you will soon..." with that needle was pressed against Cross's neck while he tried to fight back and get it off with no avail as his hands were tied up. When the injection was done Cross felt like his whole body was burning hot with acid which made him scream out in pain before passing out.

    Meanwhile in Killers home everyone has gathered there to see Lust once more. Everyone was happy but no one can be compared to Dust who hugged the other and still wasn't letting go however, Lust didn't mind that at all he in fact held the other back and cuddled onto him before the taller one was asleep on Lust who kept patting him while others kept throwing questions towards him such as: "where were you for this long? Why did you leave? Did something happened? Were you forced?" The questions were going on and on while Lust anwsered all of them one by one while fighting back his own emotions when he tried to remember everything... however he smiled still and anwsered as much as possible while keeping most of the story hidden his anwsers were like: "none of you did anything it was something I shouldn't say," "something did happen but it's best I don't talk about it," " I was in the lab." And that "he did it himself." But lied that he wanted some cash and to help out the lab. The anwsers made everyone either angry, relieved or suspicious everyone but Dream that heard everything from Cross.
    Dream hugged Killer and whispered something in his ear which made Killer look at Lust in confusion but he gave out a nod and sighed before speaking: "Lust if you feel like talking we're here you know?"
    Lust blinked and stared at the other before smiling and nodding along. Horror soon let out a yawn and looked at the sky from the window to see that the sky was wearing a beautiful night dress with stars and the moon before he spoke: "guys, it's getting late, we should sleep. It's getting kinda late." Dream tried to stay awake by trying to wipe his tiredness off (idk what that movement is called don't attack me 😅) while Nightmare checked the time and said: "we probebly should cause we got a test tomorrow." Others nodded before Killer said "he'd show the way." And did so before also going in his room to sleep.

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