chapter 17

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        "Hey give it back!" Cross said his hight making him unable to grab his phone back because Nightmare had it up high with that shit eating grin while he replied: "too late" he then typed something while Cross gave up after lots of tries to get his phone back. 
    Cross let out a groan while Nightmare typed a little bit longer before giving Cross his phone back with a grin that annoyed Cross as he checked his phone to see that X agreed on letting Cross stay at Nightmare's for a day. Cross looked at Nightmare then back at the text too stunned to speak before Nightmare made him snap out of it with "you're welcome." Cross putted the phone back to his pocket before tanking the other whom said it was nothing and also invited Cross on an icecream.

    Five months has passed and Cross was staying over at Dreams and Nights from time to time before X found out about lies Cross told about not begin able to find Dream and Lust which made Cross stay over at Night's and stay there to avoid X. During the time Cross got really close with Nightmare and even gained feelings for him and so did Nightmare for Cross, Dream and Killer started to go on dates and same with Lust and Dust. The group was now close to finishing another year of highschool with Nightmare, Error, Ink and Dream graduating.
    Killer stood next to a locker with others also around as they talked about all the stuff that has happened. Nightmare seemed annoyed by jokes Killer was saying so he interrupted him with: "can you shut up? You're annoying." Killer huffed and talked back too: "well Nootmare, I saved yo brother and now am dating him when you still are stubborn enough to ask Cross out." Horror chukled while Dust held back a laugh while Nightmare seemed offended.
     Rest of the day went on at same speed of joy for the twins and their friends exept for one...
    Nightmare and others were now back at home but strangely enough someone was missing, someone was missing but no one seemed to know who or even notice that someone wasn't with them, no one but Nightmare who scanned the erea and noted who was there...
    Dream, Killer, Lust, Horror, Dust... wait... "where's Cross?" Nightmare asked out loud gaining everyone's attation before Dream spoke up: "he... was with you?" Nightmare shook his head before speaking once more: "he wasn't, me, Horror, Dust and Killer were toghether talking but he wasn't anywhere with us." Dream said that he didn't know Cross's whereabouts saying "he hasn't seen him after school was over." With Lust saying "same" rising up everyone's worries...
    Where is Cross?

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