chapter 13

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   Cross sat alone at the school during lunch and would do everything to avoid talking to people which cought attation of Inks whom approached him during a break time as he placed his hand on Cross's desk gaining his attation as he spoke: "you're Cross right?" Inks voice was cheerful and his gaze caring yet something felt off about him but Cross still gave out a nod comfiriming that it was him indeed. Ink grinned and sat down on a chair next to Cross as he spoke: "I'm Ink! I noticed that you are a bit lonely, is everything alright? Sci came around and said you've been avoiding him and Lux." Ink noted making Cross looked hesitant before he replaied: "I simply want to be alone, so go."
    Ink let out a huff as he stared at Cross before saying: "nope! I am not leaving you hanging and also for you to feel lonely."
    Cross let out a growl as he was annoyed but thankfully Ink was called by Blue who needed help with something but Cross was left alone only for some minutes before another student or you may know him as Sci came around and sat on an opposite chair from Cross while he spoke and got stuff he needed for the class ready: "you've been avoiding me..." Cross didn't spoke and instead grabbed his notebook and pen then started doodling some stuff. Sci however didn't stop there.
    "Are you angry at me... for telling X about what happened?..." He seemed sorry and filled with guilt and with the way Cross ignored him made matters worse.
    "Sorry..." Sci muttered which earned a look from Cross before he finally spoke to Sci: "it's a whatever, I'm used to get back stabbed and then be injected. You aren't the only one that has done that." Sci looked at Cross confused before Cross then spoke: "my own brother tried to take control a few times and as you know he controls my life and can pull more strings on me then he can on you." Sci flinched and felt shivers down his whole body. Suddenly the bell rang and in the usual classroom that was filled with desks, chairs and all the stuff the school has.
    After a little while a lady with a long white hair and black eyes wearing purple dress stepped in and greeted the students with a smile: "Good Morning my children." That was her usual greeting. They placed their bag on the teachers table and after some talk she begun the lesson.

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