chapter 5

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Dark aura has fallen upon an area where two people were stood one facing a huge TV screen and other stood behind the door slightly open. The room was silent for a second before the teenager with glasses spoke: "s-sir... the m-mission for chasing e-experiment number 509 w-was a failure..." their voice was full of fear which only grew when the older gave him a strict look as they spoke with voice full of danger: "is that so?" The older one turned to face the young scientist who wore circle shaped glasses and coat and also someone that had blonde hair with green eyes and white skin mixed with black. While on the other side, the adult was noticeable for their fancy outfit that was mostly dark purple along with their scars and their purple eyes. The older one took a breath in as he spoke: "very well then, if that's how it is, you'll be in charge for keeping track of the public locations such as schools sence there will be high possibility of him begin there. But, if you disappoint me you will face your fear of losing this job and huge opportunity for your dream university."
The younger one flinched as he nodded then spoke: "u-understood sir..." then he left once told he was dismissed to notice the owners son listening in.


Five months has passed after Dream has escaped and let me tell you, that five months was huge with Nightmare and Dream getting DNA test to find out the two were brothers which lend Nightmare to turn more protective and fight with their mother telling her how messed up she was and making Dream go back home still and with Nim not even stopping him as she knew what she did was screwed up and she would easily be arrested if she said no. Dream also enrolled into the same school as Nightmare and his group. In the school he also met with the two strange people that surrounded Error one with blue and light brown eyes name was Ink who also loved drawing to the point he always had ink mark on their face and calm, friendly and brave person who had brown hair and brown eyes was called Blue or Swap both names were ok.
Dream was currently at school, walking down the halls of a large corridoors to get to the math class when he saw a person wearing circle shaped glasses and they also had blonde hair with green eyes and white skin mixed with black. Book dropped on the ground along with the person and Dream as they bumped into one another. Dream started to collect the books while the other apologised and also took some books aswell with Dream saying a quiet it's okay and handing rest of the books and papers to the other but kept a note that said something about his experiment number. No one had to know who he was and that seemed like best way to remove the hints.
Dream got up and helped the person up aswell. The person fixed their glasses and apologised saying: "I'm so sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going." They said before seeing Dreams eye color which seemed to have clicked something in his mind Dream only smiled and said that it was fine before walking to his math lesson with his own books.

The person glanced at Dream and made sure that Dream was away before grabbing his phone and texting someone something before walking away to their own class...


Meanwhile someone was talking to someone younger or more like arguing before they recived a message that said: "I found patient 509 boss." The person or also known as boss grinned as he spoke: "___ get ready, you are going to high school." That took the teenager that wore black and white outfit with X on their jacket and boots their skin color was white as their brunette hair and heterochromic eyes made it all fit well by suprise but knowing this would be their possible chance for getting to know outside world they didn't hesitate.

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