chapter 16

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"please, stay and give us a chance!" He took some more breaths before speaking again this time others also coming around: "you don't deserve to make yourself follow his path and live in fear, so please stay here and let us help you... please, you helped me once... Why can't I return you a favor?" His expression read sorrow and pity which made Cross's guts and heart to finally give up and with a low sigh he spoke: "fine, but only today..."
    Nightmare was genuinely confused and so were the rest but Dream only smiled and gave out a nod before saying: "so, roller coaster?"
    Cross couldn't help but smile as he spoke: "yeah, lets go there..."

After that all of  them decided to go back homes so they headed towards the exist of the park.
     Dream giggled at jokes Killer made while Nightmare and rest were walking along side and watching the two. Dust and Horror were ones that were leading the way while rest were behind, well at least most were. Cross was missing and that gained Nightmare's attation so he chose to see what all of this was about suddenly Dream turned towards Nightmare who was now patting ways with the group and called out his name to which Nightmare responded: "I'll catch up later." Dream soon realised what was wrong and that begin Cross was missing so he gave out a nod and so, Nightmare went to search for Cross.

    Cross walked down the park going to where his father told him to go at before he heard someone call his name making him stop and turn around his heterochromic eyes meeting with Nightmare's ocean blue eyes from a small distance as he slowly approached the monochrome one as he spoke: "what's up with you?"
    Cross looked down as he spoke: "why do you care?" His tone was dull knowing the possible anwser but the answer left him shocked.
    "I can tell you are a nice person, Heck I feel weird feeling around you my own. Plus Dream seems to know and care about you." Cross's eyes widdened as he stared at Nightmare who smiled at him before speaking once more: "it's a rare sight to see Dream so worried without someone forcefully draging him along he was always saddened at how his friends treated him, so you're special in his heart I assume." Cross smiled softly as he nodded before responding: "yeah,  me and him met when he was sold to father for the experiments. We got close and formed a friendship that I will protect. That's what friends do right?"
    Nightmare sighed before speaking: "you are staying here, give me your phone I'll talk with your father." Cross's eyes widdened as he got taken a back for a second before he started to panic slightly while he spoke once more: "no, I spent enough time with you guys and it was fun but it's best I go now..."
    Cross then got a message from someone so he took his phone that got snatched from his hand from Nightmare who had a smug smile.
    "Hey give it back!" Cross said his hight making him unable to grab his phone back because Nightmare had it up high with that shit eating grin while he replied: "too late" he then typed something while Cross gave up after lots of tries to get his phone back.


Some fillers from now on will be made before Crossmare and Kereme will be sealed. Dust x Lust already is sealed they just need some time to ketchup on stuff.

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