chapter 21

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This will be both a new chapter and a recap with a continution.

    Dream has already called cops and informed them about his brother and a friend going missing and explaining every single thing about the lab to which the cops informed the group that once this was over the cops would arrest the owner of the lab along with the employees and send others who are less then 18 years old to an adoption center to which Dream responded that as a 18 year old he'd adopt Cross and Lust or beg his mom to adopt the two to which cops looked at one another and anwsered with: "we'll see about that."

      Meanwhile somewhere else stood Cross and glanced at the screen banging and calling out for Nightmare trying to warn him, tell him it was pointless to stay in the lab and to just go only to see that someone in his body let the time pass by along with pressing a button that alerted the guards that managed to let Nightmare get in easy got alerted by it. Cross stared in shock terror filling him up. What will happen now that he can't even connect to anyone at all and be away from his own body and rather stuck in it... Cross wanted yet didn't want to know the anwser...
    Cross soon gave up sitting back down and started hoping someone would come and help Nightmare free himself knowing it'd be useless to even try and break free and it would be a bad idea if anyone helped him out. He hugged his legs and burried his face unto his knees giving up his hope...
    "That's unfortunate way to get stuck around here." Another voice rather childish spoke as Cross felt presence of someone else aswell making him look up to see a boy with short white hair, pale skin with black eyes. It was someone Cross knew well...
    "Chara?" He muttered it loud enough for the other to hear and earn a nod. Chara grinned and said that Cross was right nodding along not expecting a hug they got from someone as closed person as Cross but thay only smiled and hugged back hearing Cross sob a little before a soft voice killed the sobs: "I thought you and others were dead..." Chara frowned but still pat Cross on the back making Cross slowly let go before he spoke: "I am dead Cross, all three of us are." Cross sighed rather dissopointed saying a hesitant "right" before asking: "if you're dead then, how come you're here?"
    Chara smirked lazily saying: "well I'm here cause your stupid ass can't break free from here alone." He stated a fact earning a silent "I mean, true." From Cross to which he rolled his eyes at before speaking: "I'm here to help you out." He claimed earning a unmused look from Cross who didn't seem to believe him. Chara huffed and Crossed his arms before saying: "Hey! Just because I dead young doesn't mean I'm that bad at helping!" He shouted at Cross earning a giggle from Cross to which he got even more angry and shouted: "shut upppp, if you want me to help you then stop!" Cross shut up after hearing that.

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