☆ Chapter 1 ☆

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Time: 7am
PoV: Sanji
Location: Hallway

As the students of the New World College walk by with their bags on their back and books in hands, it was early in the morning when a sudden yell was heard throughout the hallway.

Everyone had turned their attention towards the loud sound and once they realized what it was, they went on with their day as the noise was a normal occurrence.

We stumble across a panicked guy and me, his overworked friend.

"Holy smokes! What happened to you?!" asked the guy where the sound came from.

This man was known throughout the school for his panic behaviour and loud fearful yelling. He had a long nose, black puffy hair, yellow overalls and wore beautiful orange goggles around his neck.

God Usopp

"Nothing, just lacking sleep." I responded, as I was the overworked friend in this case.

Apparently, my eyes were faint red and had dark bags under them. My back leaned a bit forward due to being tired, my wavy blond hair was messy and fluffy. Despite being tired, I wore a dark blue suit with a yellow undershirt and tie.

Black Leg Sanji

I had spent the night on a call with Zoro, working on a few assignments, but needed company for the night. Not wanting to bother my other friends, Nami, Luffy, Usopp and Chopper, I called someone I knew would be up during that time.

We chatted for an hour before Zoro had fallen asleep on the video call. I knew that Zoro took a lot of naps and rests at any given time, so I wasn't surprised when I heard soft snoring from my earbuds.

"Sanji, you look like that one time Luffy ate drugs by accident." Usopp looked at me.

I could tell that he was worried about me, I've never felt this tired before.

"Is it that bad?" I asked, rubbing my eyes.

"Just make sure you get some sleep when you get home." Usopp crossed his arms.

I sighed softly at Usopp's words, but knew that my best friend was right. My eyes begin to look around, wondering where the others were. Arriving at college at a later time than usual, I expected everyone to be here.

"Where's the others?" I asked.

"Luffy and Nami went off to get some breakfast. Chopper went to ask Law for help on an assignment. Zoro's late, you know the usual." Usopp replied.

"That bastard is always late." I shrugged.

"Well you know him, he hates going to class either way. I fear for his grades." Usopp looked worried.

"Surprisingly it's not that bad, he's only failing one subject." I said confidently.

"He tells you about his grades?!" Usopp looked at me confused.

"Yeah, why?" I questioned.

"He never tells any of us." Usopp whispered.

"Oi cook!" yelled someone from a distance.

The person was walking towards us, but at a fast pace. He had outstanding green hair, robe and haramaki with a red bandana.

Roronoa Zoro

"Wait, you're early today?! Usopp yelled.

He's never told anyone else about his grades? Why did he decide to tell me in particular? I thought that at least Luffy would know since he's his best friend.

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