☆ Chapter 10 ☆

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PoV: Zoro
Location: Clothing Centre

“Oh my” Robin gasped, noticing mine and Sanji's unkempt clothes.

“Don't tell anyone, '' Sanji shrugged.

“Fufu,” Robin giggled, “Don't worry, I won't.”

“Were you able to get us some clothes for tomorrow?” I asked.

“Yeah,” Robin handed us the clothes, “This is what you'll be wearing.”

Robin gave me a black jumpsuit, boots up to my knees and a big jacket to go over it.

Sanji was handed a flower button up, the same matching black boots I was given and black shorts to fit his fancy aesthetic.

NB: Egghead Island Arc clothing

“Thank you Robin-swan~” Sanji calmly took the clothes.

“Guys, let's go get some food.” Nami called us, “Luffy’s really hungry.”

“Haha,” I chuckled, “Alright, let's go.”

"Wait, make sure to grab your bags and stuff." Usopp said.

"Luffy! You have to wait" Chopper held onto Luffy.

"Meat!" Luffy yelled.

We left the store to get some food. It was an enjoyable family dinner at the mall. We laughed, joked and talked about meeting up in Sanji's dorm to get changed for tomorrow.

Speaking of tomorrow, how about a time skip to skip out the boring stuff.

PoV: Sanji
Location: Sanji's Dorm

It was the day of the party, everyone was at my dorm getting ready. Some had difficulties putting on their outfits, while others were amazed about their final look.

"What do you think, Sanji?" Luffy asked, twirling around in his outfit. It was clear that he was excited.

Luffy's outfit was a red, white and yellow cloak. Wearing red gloves, and the same boots Zoro and I had, but it was colored red to match, not to mention his trusty strawhat to go with it.

"You look amazing, Luffy." I smiled, helping him with his hair.

I already had my outfit on and was ready to go, so I didn't mind helping the others get ready.

"Everyone, do be careful." Chopper stood up, "I will be stealing all the ladies tonight."

Chopper wore the same outfit as Luffy but it was blue instead with yellow glasses. Such a cute little fella.

"Yeah, as if you could try to take Kaya away from me." Usopp rubbed underneath his nose.

A yellow jumpsuit with a brown jacket, same outfit as Zoros but a different color. By now you could tell that we were all matching outfits, but with different colors.

"Thank you Robin, this is what I wanted." I thought with a smile.

"Were done~" Nami and Robin walked out, as usual, they looked stunning.

They both wore matching dresses but Robin coded hers with a black jacket to feel more comfy. Each wearing the same knee high black boots.

"Nami-swan~, Robin-chan~" I said, appreciating their beauty.

"Marimo," Zoro looked at me, "Focus on doing Luffy's hair will you. We're already late."

"When did you care about time?" I asked.

"Just trying to see if anyone snuck in any alcohol," Zoro shrugged.

"Alright, is everyone ready?" Nami asked us all.

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