☆ Chapter 6 ☆

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PoV: Sanji
Location: School's Hallway

"Your feelings?" Zoro asked as he leaned towards me.

"Y-Yes" I stuttered, "W-Wait, I need to think first."

"Think first? Your feelings about what?" Zoro asked, he seemed to be confused.

"It's obviously about you, idiot." I whispered quietly.

"What about me?" Zoro joked, leaning closer to me.

"I just…I really like you, okay?" I whispered.

“You like me?” Zoro asked, "Hah! That is a joke, isn't it?"

Zoro chuckled softly so the others wouldn't hear us. This whole time he wasn't taking me seriously.

What's the point of continuing to try?

I broke eye contact with him, looking down as my body began to get tense. I was scared he was about to reject me.

"Sorry, just forget about it…" I said, my tone was beginning to sound tired.

"Wait, don't even think about leaving!" Zoro yelled, grabbing my shirt.

That obviously caught the attention of the others. Zoro grabbed the collar of my shirt, and I could see the crew began to walk towards us.

"What are you trying to prove by saying you like me?" Zoro questioned.

"I just really like you…okay?" I whispered, "I want to go on a date with you."

I could feel Zoro's grab begin to loosen, as Usopp stopped the others from coming closer.

"A date?..." Zoro whispered. "I dont know…"

"Then why did you lick my lip earlier?" I asked

"W-Well" Zoro seemed to be thinking, "I wasn't sure about my feelings about you, so I licked your lip, hoping to get some kind of…clarification."

I tend to realize what was happening, he's either not sure about his feelings, or he's not admitting to himself about liking me. Either way, I still have a chance.

"Are you denying your feelings?" I asked.

Zoro stayed silent. He looked at me with the same look I gave Usopp when I was denying my own feelings. I should help him figure it out, or he'll end up suffering about it all.

"Let me take you on a date, maybe you'll be able to face your feelings then." I said.

"A-Alright" Zoro stuttered, he was clearly blushing.

I thumbs up Usopp, held Zoro's arm and began to walk to the nearest cafe. I thought a cafe would be a great first start, maybe we could get him some sake after, then chill at my place. I do feel bad for ditching the others, but I'm sure they'll understand once Usopp explains

Location: Cafe

When we arrived at the cafe, I ordered both of us white rice and sea king meat. We sat down beside each other at a table that was close to the widow to get a nice view.

"This place seems nice, normally I would head to a bar but.." Zoro smiled softly, "Seems like you have good taste."

"Thanks, I ordered your favorite meal, white rice and sea king meat." I smiled.

"Haha, you really pay a lot of attention to me, huh?" Zoro laughed.

"It's because you're really important to me." I spoke truthfully.

“Important to you?" Zoro questioned, "What do you see in me? I'm not as sweet and caring as someone like you, you know?"

"What do you mean?" I asked.

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