☆ Chapter 4 ☆

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PoV: Sanji
Location: English Classroom

"You're bad?" Eustass huffed, "Is that all you have to say?"

Even though Zoro "apologized", Eustass was still trying to provoke him.

"Can't you just shut up and leave him alone?" I shrugged.

I was clearly annoyed with his foolish acts. He was trying to upset Zoro in the middle of class, and I wasn't having any of it.

"So you are his boy toy! Zoro can't speak for himself?" Eustass began laughing.

"Tsk" I gritted my teeth.

Buggy clearly didn't care enough to stop Eustass from talking during his class. He just stood there watching, waiting for something to happen. I guess he doesnt get paid enough for this.

"Had to get yourself such a man due to mommy issues Sanji?" Eustass smiled.

He mentioned my mom, I bit down hard on my bottom lip, leading it to bleed. My mom passed away due to an illness that the doctors couldn't cure. I still and never will be over her death, anytime someone disrespects her in front of me, I felt pure anger.

I clenched my fist due to sudden anger that filled me up and stood up in order to kick him as hard as I could in his face. By the time I got up, I saw the entire class was in shock. Zoro was holding Eustass up by his collar, looking him dead in the eye. His face was serious.

"Oi." Zoro said coldly. "Say anything about his mother again, and you will be sorry."

"..." Eustass was quiet.

Zoro let go of his collar, leaving Eustass to fall on the floor.

The entire class was silent, until the bell rang, meaning that class was over. Each student slowly left the classroom, some peeking to see if something else would happen.

"Cook," Zoro whispered softly.

"Hm?" I mumbled as he broke the silence.

"..." Zoro looked back at Eustass, as his friend Killer helped him up. "Let's go, Luffy's probably hungry now."

He began walking towards the opposite of the classroom door, I silently nodded and dragged him by the shirt to leave the classroom.

Location: School Hallway

We were silent on our way to the cafeteria. Zoro acted like nothing happened, while I took out a cigarette to light, wanting to get my mind off of it all.

I should admit that Zoro's actions were a bit flattering to say the least. I wasn't expecting him to do something like that, let alone for me.

"Let me be clear that none of our friends will know about what I just did," Zoro suddenly spoke.

"Huh?" I questioned.

It wasn't that big of a deal to not tell them about it but I was curious as to why he would want to keep it between us and the people who were present.

"Are you scared that they might tease you for helping me out?" I joked

"You owe me one." Zoro said.

"Owe you for what?" I asked curiously.

"If it wasn't for me, you would have caused a bigger scene." Zoro replied in a serious tone.

He was right, I was about to kick that douche in the face and probably reckon up a fight. A detention would look good on my report card, Zeff would kill me.

I didn't reply to what Zoro said, just simply inhaled the smoke from my cigarette and exhaled it.

"You shouldn't let your emotions run wild like that" Zoro gave me a concerned look.

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