☆ Chapter 3 ☆

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Time: 7am 
PoV: Sanji
Location: School Hallway

Yesterday went by pretty fast, the crew came over and had a few drinks and meals, while I sat in bed waiting for Chopper's medicine to work.

The "fever" had worn off, I still felt tired but not as bad as yesterday. I was in the hallway with Usopp, Chopper, Nami and Luffy. They were checking up on me as we had just gathered together like we usually do.

"How are you feeling now, Sanji?" Usopp asked.

"Much better," I let off a soft smile.

"Yeah, he should be good. You might feel a little tired today due to the medicine." Chopper stated, "You should be good tomorrow. If not, then that's on you for not getting enough rest.

I chuckled softly at his joke, he was right. I wasnt sleeping well due to how much work i was getting.

"Sorry, I'll be sure to get enough rest next time." I smiled at Chopper, that seemed to cheer him up a bit.

"Sorry, I'm late." Zoro waved from a far. 

"Zoro!" Luffy smiled widely as he ran towards Zoro.

"Luffy!" Zoro yelled, as Luffy jumped onto Zoro, hugging him tightly.

I chuckled at their little interation, its quite cute seeing these two friendship.

"Look who's late, as per usual." Usopp jokes.

"Oh, shut it, pinocchio head ass." Zoro smirked.

"Who are you calling pinocchio?!" Usopp marched up to Zoro.

"The only reason I was late was because I was talking to Hiyori." Zoro shrugged.

"Hiyori?!" We all gasped.

"You're always late, Zoro." Chopper smiled innocently.

"That's not the main topic here!" Usopp yelled at Chopper.

"How are you always able to get the ladies?!" I yelled.

"What were you talking to Hiyori about?" Nami asked.

"Apparently, there's going to be this college party in the assembly room." Zoro said, "She needed some help with setting things up, some of the stuff are heavy."

"Thank goodness." Nami sighed. "Thought you guys were going out, that would be atrocious."

"Hm?" Zoro questioned. 

"Is it just going to be you two?" I asked, crossing my arms.

Might as well take this opportunity to smooth talk with Hiyori. She was the school's president, long turquoise hair, blue eyes, red lipstick, pink kimono and just overall adorable.

"Yeah, you wanna help her out, curly brow?" Zoro asked.

"Trust me, you'll be needing my help, with your weak ass." I teased.

"Weak?!" Zoro yelled, "Let's see who can do the most work at the end of the setup."

"You have a deal!" I went along with his games.

"When's the party?" Nami asked.

"More like, how much food is at the party?" Luffy's mouth began to drool.

"It's two days from now, she said she'll release the details on the announcement speaker later." Zoro informed us, ignoring Luffy's question.

"So soon?" Chopper asked. 

"Yeah, I asked her why so soon but she said that it's a way of taking everyone's stress away for a bit." Zoro stated, "Apparently, she has an important announcement to say there too."

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