☆ Chapter 7 ☆

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PoV: Sanji
Location: Sanji’s Dorm

After a while, we visited the bar and grabbed some sake for Zoro. We decided to go back to my dorm to enjoy ourselves for a bit and release some of the tense atmosphere.

We entered my apartment, and I poured us our sakes in the living room as we sat on a few cushions that were on the floor around the table.

"Cheers!" Zoro yelled, raising his dake up in the air.

"Cheers" I replied, as our glasses clinked together. "I don't know how you drink this crap."

"It's not crap!" Zoro seemed offended

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"It's not crap!" Zoro seemed offended.

"Hehe." I chuckled, "it just tastes bad but alright."

"You're crazy." Zoro took a sip of his sake. “You're missing out on the good stuff.”

We both lifted our glasses and proceeded to take a big gulp of sake. It indeed burnt my throat a bit as I wasn't used to drinking, but nonetheless I wanted to loosen a bit with him.

“Disgusting.” I said, sticking my tongue out.

“Come on, don't make that face.” Zoro poured himself more sake. “Lighten up and drink some more.”

“Thanks for the offer but I’m going to have to decline.” I put down the now empty glass. “If I drink anymore, I might get drunk.”

“Well, that's one thing I can beat you in.” Zoro joked.

“Excuse me?” I crossed my arms.

“You get drunk way quicker than me, cook.” Zoro smirked.

“At least I'm not an alcoholic.” I shrugged.

“Well I'm glad I'm not a workaholic.” Zoro drank more sake.

“Okay mister skip all of my classes.” I replied to his mocking

“Weren't you the one who skipped classes the other day.” Zoro got up, “Oh help me Marimo, I'm so sick.”

Zoro began mocking me, spinning around in a circle, swaying his hips left and right, resting his hand on his forehead and acting sick.

“S-Shut up, stupied swordsman.” I gritted my teeth.

“You get all cute when you're stuttering.” Zoro smiled.

“Whatever.” I blushed.

“Don't think so deeply about the compliment, cook.” Zoro drank more sake and sat down. “Just a random word I threw in.”

“Random word, huh?” I looked at him, “Or maybe someones too shy to admit that they're into me.”

“You're only saying that because you're drunk.” Zoro began blushing.

“Says the one on his second glass.” I smiled.

“Haha” Zoro laughed, “Yeah you're right.”

“Don't drink too much, okay?” I told him, “We have classes tomorrow asn we have to help out Hiyori.”

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