☆ Chapter 2 ☆

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Time: 8am
PoV: Sanji
Location: Sanji's Dorm

Once we arrived at my dorm, I began to head to my room to get some rest. All of a sudden, my body gave up and began to fall over.

"Cook?!" Zoro ran towards me, catching me in his hands, "Again?"

"S-Sorry, it's not un purpose…" I said tiredly.

"You're really burning up." Zoro picked me up and carried me to my room.

" Zoro picked me up and carried me to my room

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"M-Marimo?" I stuttered out of shock.

He gently placed me onto my bed, and looked at me with a worried expression. He didn't say anything, just stared at me and then left the room to call Chopper and inform him about what's going on.

"Why would he carry me here? I could walk, you know." I thought to myself.

After a few minutes, Zoro returned to my room with a glass of water and some pain killers.

"Here take this." Zoro tossed me the painkillers and placed the water on the table beside my bed. "Chopper said that you should stay in bed until he gets here."

I sighed softly, taking the painkillers and drinking the water alongside with it.

"You know I could take care of myself, right?" I shrugged.

"Stop being a pain and let me watch over you until the raccoon gets here." Zoro replied as he crossed his arms.

I let out a soft chuckle, I could tell that he was worried about me.

"You should stop overworking yourself. You worry Chopper too much. He said that he's getting everyone to come visit you." Zoro looked away from me.

"Huh, why? It's really not that big of a deal." I questioned.

"Maybe it's because the others were worried before because they didn't get to see you earlier." Zoro guessed.

"Getting that much company is something I don't want right now. Most definitely will get a headache." I leaned back and laid down on the bed.

"It's your fault for getting all sick. Should have just gone to bed, failing one assignment won't affect your grade as much." Zoro said, sitting beside me on the bed.

"I know you're not talking, Mr. I'm failing geometry because I don't cant calculate directions." I joked.

"It's not my fault they made it so hard! That shits like doing math but with more calculations. Find x my asshole." Zoro cursed.

"Pfffft, haha!" I laughed softly.

"Get some rest until Chopper gets here." Zoro said.

"Yeah, you're right…" I let off a soft smile,covering myself with a blanket.

I began to drift off into sleep, my eyes felt heavy and my body caved in. Falling asleep right then and there, with Zoro watching over me.

I'm not too sure on how much time had passed, but I woke up to a knock on my dorm's door. My vision was a bit blurry, I tried to get up but my body felt really heavy.

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