☆ Chapter 8 ☆

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PoV: Zoro
Location: Zoro’s Dorm

I headed to my dorm, opened the door, got dressed. Changing out of Sanji’s borrowed shirt, and putting on black and white shirt, with pants. I quickly grabbed something to eat and rushed out of my dorm.

Once again, I met up with the crew in the hallway. Everyone was there except for Sanji, but I didn't think much of it. I did tell him that we could meet up in class, it's either that or he went back to bed.

“Zoro!” Luffy yelled, hugging me tightly.

“Haha” I laughed, “What's up little guy?”

“It seems to me like you and Sanji have some explaining to do.” Nami angrily walked up to me.

“I'm sorry Zoro,” Usopp apologized, “I couldn't stop her from getting mad.”

“What's the deal anyway?” Nami held me by my shirt, “You both ditched us and now only one of you shows up.”

“The cook is probably already in class.” I shrugged, hoping he's there.

“Who's going to prevent you from getting lost, stray moss?” Nami crossed her arms.

“Yawn~” A voice from afar was heard.

Everyone's face lit up as they saw the cook sleepily walking towards us.

“Sorry I'm late.” Sanji replied.

"There you are!" Nami walked towards him, "Where have you guys been? You both flaked on us."

"You seem to be turning up later than usual." Chopper stated.

"They were having a little makeout session." Luffy joked, "Oh mossy, lets sneak away my little tsundere."

"Shut up Duke!" Sanji punched him in the head.

"Seriously though, let us know next time." Nami said she seemed to cool down.

"Sorry," Sanji apologized, "It won't happen again next time."

"Here Cook" I handed him his shirt.

"You can keep it," Sanji's face had a faint blush on it.

"Are you two dating?!" Nami yelled.

"Huh?" I question, "Well um-"


"Good Morning students of the New World College."

I was cut off as an announcement on the speaker was being played.

"It's your college president, Kozuki Hiyori, coming to you live from Aokiji’s office. Tomorrow, we will be hosting a college party in the Assembly Room." Hiyori said. “You are allowed to invite friends from other schools if they're interested.”

You could hear a few whispers throughout the hallway, students were discussing the sudden event that was announced. Talking about who to invite, what to wear and what to bring.

"This party is used as a way to bring some colleges relief, from stressing over the assignments and tests that have been taken.nThere will be no classes tomorrow due to the event being held in the afternoon after 12.” Hiyori spoke, “I have an important announcement to make there, so I'd love for many of you to attend."

After her announcement, everyone went back to what they were doing. Our crew decided to discuss a few things before we split up.

"I'm guessing you won't be around later, Zoro." Luffy looked at me.

"Yeah, neither will Curly." I crossed my arms, "We'll be helping Hiyori out."

"That's fine." Chopper smiled, "What time should we meet up tomorrow?"

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