☆ Chapter 9 ☆

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PoV: Zoro
Location: School’s Hallway

“I didn't like how she was talking to you.” Sanji crossed his arms.

We had just exited the Assembly and began making our way through the halls. Since it was an hour or two after classes had ended, the hallway was empty with only a few individuals from time to time.

“She just couldn't resist my cool looks.” I smirked, “Jealous?”

“Shut up.” Sanji said. "Why didn't you tell her that you were single?"

"Cause I'm not." I stopped walking. "I thought you got the hint."

"I did," Sanji pulled out a cigarette. "I was just hoping you'd be straightforward with your answer."

"We'll make it official tonight." I smiled, "I want to ask you out in a comfortable environment."

"I'm comfortable right now." Sanji stopped walking.

"You're rushing it, silly." I joked.

"I know," Sanji puffed his cigarette, "I'll wait."

Sanji seemed satisfied with my answer. It seemed as if he knew that I liked him back, just that I wasn't ready to ask him to be in a relationship yet.

"Maybe after the date" I thought to myself.

I didn't want to rush anything between us and he understood that. I think I found the right one, Kuina.

“We can go shopping now." Sanji outed his cigarette.

“Alright,” I replied.

“You're wearing a suit though.” Sanji began to lead the way.

“What?” I raised one of my eyebrows. “Why do I have to wear a suit?”

"I'm just kidding," Sanji shrugged, "Sheesh."

As planned, we left the college and went to the mall to go shopping. The walk wasn't long as it was close to our college and the silence between the both of us was more comforting than awkward. I really like hanging out with him.

Location: Mall's Center

“Oi, before we shop for clothes, I need to restock my pantry back at the dorm.” Sanji stated, “We're going to the market first.”

“Alright,” I nodded, “Is this where you're planning on getting the beer too?”

“Ah,” Sanji’s eyes widened, “I forgot about that.”

“Oh come on.” I rolled my eyes, “You know that's the reason why I came.”

“Whatever.” Sanji walked towards the market.

“Hey, you know I'm joking.” I followed him.

Location: Market

Once we arrived at the market, I followed Sanji around as a way of not getting lost since he was persistent on me not leaving his side.

“Dinner…” Sanji whispered to himself.

“Are you available?” I asked.

“No, idiot.” Sanji blushed. “Are you staying at my place for dinner?”

“Hmm, nah.” I leaned against the wall. “But you should get something with steak.”

“Feeling fancy today?” Sanji smirked.

“You're the one eating it, not me.” I smiled. "I just know that you like to make fancy meals."

“I see, hmm.” Sanji grabbed the steak from the meat aisle. “I'll grab a few snacks as well.”

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