☆ Chapter 5 ☆

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PoV: Sanji
Location: Men’s Bathroom

I sat in one of the bathroom stalls, keeping it locked. Sitting on the closed toilet and thinking about everything. It all happened so fast, I needed time to process it.

“He licked my lip…” I thought to myself. “And just acted like nothing happened.”

I was confused, lost and stressed. Not to mention that I get upset whenever Zoro talks about Hiyori. I'm not upset at Hiyori, I just don't feel like myself when he mentions her.

“Hello~ Sanji? I know you're in there.” Usopp said while knocking on the door.

I noticed that it was Usopp, opening the door for him to enter. I could tell that he was worried about me, how can I blame him? I'm the idiot that ran out of the cafeteria.

“Come on, Sanji.” Usopp crossed his arms, “You gotta tell me what's wrong.”

“Get in so that I can close the door” I began pulling him into the stall.

“Fine, fine.” Usopp entered the stall and closed the door. “You know we look hella suspicious right now?”

“Shut up, listen…I need to talk to you about something.” I whispered.

“Well duh, that's why I followed you and came here.” Usopp shrugged.

“It's about Zoro,” I said, ignoring his sarcasm.

“Huh? Did something serious happen between you guys?” Usopp asked.

“No, I mean, yeah?” I wasn't sure how to describe it.

“Explain it all, I'm listening.” Usopp leaned in closer to me.

“Long story short, I bit my lip really hard by accident and it started bleeding.“ I explained to Usopp.

"And?" Usopp questioned.

"Zoro licked the small blood off my lip." I whispered.

“HE LICKED YOUR LIP?!” Usopp yelled.

“SHHHHH! YOU IDIOT!” I smacked him on the top of his head.

“Ouch! Sorry!” Usopp apologized, holding his head.

“Why would you yell that out? Such an embarrassment.” I was upset at his mistake.

“I didn't mean to, it just caught me off guard.” Usopp said, “What did you do after?”

“Nothing, he just apologized and we went to the cafeteria.” I shrugged.

“Did you like it?” Usopp straight up asked.

“H-huh?” I felt my face heating up.

“You didn't stop him, nor yell at him after…You're okay with him doing that?” Usopp asked, placing his hands on my shoulder.

"Uh" I sat there thinking.

"Uh" I sat there thinking

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