☆ Chapter 11 ☆

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PoV: Sanji

"Talk to me about your announcement?" Zoro asked, looking at Hiyori confused.

"Your announcement involves, Marimo?" I was just as confused as he was.

"Yeah," Hiyori smiled, "I was going to ask you out in front of everyone, Zoro."

"Huh?...." I mumbled under my breath.

"Are you being serious?" Zoro asked, his eyes widened at her statement.

"Well, that was the second part of my announcement." Hiyori tilted her head, "My first part is that I'm moving away."

"What do you mean?" Zoro wondered.

"After I'm done with this party, my role as the college president will be over." Hiyori shrugged, "Though, that's because I'll be moving to a college that will focus more on my career. I wanted you to come with me, but you said that you were taken."

I couldn't help but look away from the both of them as they talked.

It was none of my business and I know Zoro wont go with her, but why does it feel like she's trying to get attached to him too much.

"I don't plan on going with you," Zoro looked away from her gaze, "If you truly loved me, then you would know that."

"I know," Hiyori shrugged, "But I still felt like there was a chance, is it because of your girlfriend? I'm sure she's not going to be a swordsman like you are, right? So what's stopping you."

Zoro looked back at her, then he wrapped his arm around me and pulled me closer to him.

"That's none of your business." Zoro replied, looking Hiyori dead in the eye. "If you want to confess to me over the announcement, then go ahead, but know that my answer is no and I'd prefer if you stopped talking to me."

"What's with the rude attitude?" Hiyori questioned and stood up, noticing that Zoro had pulled me closer, "I don't understand. Are you being this way because Sanji is here? You're not usually this straightforward whenever we talk to Zoro. The only reason why you're talking to me that way is because he's here."

"Don't bring me into this…" I whispered, not wanting to be included in their conversation.

It's not that I wasn't allowed to give my input, but this was a conversation between them and not me.

I didn't like that she was trying to use me as an excuse for Zoro's response. Nonetheless, this is how people are sometimes when they're in denial.

I could feel Zoro's frustration in his voice, but his hold on me was gentle and reassuring. I felt as he lifted his arm a bit and ran his fingers through my hair.

"This conversation is done." Zoro said coldly with a serious expression.

"Sorry," Hiyori stepped back, "I didn't mean to make you upset…" She looked at me with a saddened face. "Sanji, I'm sorry for bringing you into this as well."

"It's okay," I smiled softly.

I'm not sure if it's because she got rejected in front of me or if it's because we all know her as a hard working person, but I do feel bad that she got rejected because of me.

"I'll be leaving," Hiyori nodded and went on her way to leave.

As she walked off, I couldn't help but watch her. Why did I feel so guilty for this? Would he have dated her if it wasn't for me?

If I never confessed my feelings before helping her with the setup, would he have even cared for me?...

Does he care-

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