1) Belittling Yourself

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Luciana looked over at Alexander, her Dragon King, sitting back relaxed in his throne. He was proudly watching a young black haired boy pounce to and fro on the floor in front of them. The small boy was dancing around, an even smaller wooden sword in his tiny fist. The boy's sparring partner, a frisky Hunter, flipped backward out of the way, landing with the grace of a feline on the corner of a table, just missing the tip of the boy's 'weapon'.

"Not fair, cat," the small bell-like voice called out in a stern tone that reminded Lucy of his father. "You promised you would not cheat." He turned toward his parents, his demeanor changing from a prince, to a disappointed little boy. "I promise I had it down," the slight pout of his lip broke his mother's heart, making her shoot a glare at her Familiar.

Getting up, she walked down the steps to pull the young child into the folds of her dress. "Familiar's always cheat," she shook her head at Hunter as Caspian stuck his tongue out at the man hopping down the table. "You will best him next time, my love." Lucy bent down to pick the boy up, hugging him lovingly.

Lucy's eyes fluttered open, blinking a couple of times as she was met with the light of the dying fire that sat in the middle of their camp. Laying there for several seconds, listening to the soft sounds of the woods that surrounded them. The chirping of insects, the drawn out 'hoo' of an owl somewhere nearby, small night critters scampering over the leaves and twigs that littered the ground. After a minute she began to stiffen, needing to sit up, but was being hugged to Alexander's chest. Slowly, she pulled herself free of his hold, without waking him. Watching to make sure his breathing was still deep and even as she sat near his feet. She reached over, grabbing a couple small logs that Hunter had collected earlier, setting them into the fire. Sitting back, she pulled her knees to her chest, adjusting her gown so it covered her legs too, leaving only her arms and face bare to the chilled night air. Without Alexander wrapped around her, she shivered against the slight breeze.

Sighing, her eyes flickered over to Hunter's sleeping form, curled up under his sleeping blanket in a ball. His breathing was also even, giving her the impression he was sleeping too. Once she was convinced they were both still unconscious, Lucy allowed the first hot tear to slip down her cheek.

The dream had been so real, the love she felt for the little raven-haired boy still an echo in her soul. But it had already been explained to her, Dragon's can not have children like other species. Only two dragons in their scaled form can produce an egg, to which a Forged like her could bring a Flame into existence, giving a random hatchling new life. Since she was not a dragon, her and Alexander would never have children of their own. More tears followed the first, she closed her eyes, letting her head fall forward onto her knees.

Her tears soaking the cloth of her gown that covered them, she kept her breathing as even as she could manage. Not wanting it to wake either of the sensitive hearing males that slept around her. Lucy'd never thought of having a family before, even when she had planned to run with Victoria. After telling herself they would settle down, the thought still never crossed her mind. Figuring she would just take care of her friend, then maybe her friends children after she married. Now understanding why she had never had the thought before, let alone why she had never been attracted to any of the men that came through Granston house.

With a turn of her head, she looked over at Alexander. He was the first man she ever wanted to have a life with. Get married, have children, grow old together. Although she was not sure how that last one would work with her being a species that ages faster than his. Another dark thought crossed her mind, would they even be allowed to marry? Were there not laws that said he would have to marry someone of true royal blood before he could take the throne?

"You are of true royal blood," Hunter's voice was soft, but it still startled her. Making her jump, snapping her eyes up to see him peeking out from under his blanket. "Probably more than he is," uncovering his head, he adjusted it on his pack, which he used as a pillow. "You are the daughter of a god, Lucy," he whispered, shooting a glance over at Alexander, who shifted in his sleep.

Beautiful Torture *Book Two of the Beautiful series*Where stories live. Discover now