10) Plans

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Standing behind Alexander as he finished apologizing on her behalf, Lucy was deeply embarrassed. She kept her face turned toward the stone floor so no one would see how red it still blazed. She had been tricked by Lord Ossis, and nearly helped incompasitat their two new allies, all because she hadn't questioned more. The lord had used Alexander against her like a sword, because he knew she was soft hearted, as it was put. 

Lucy wanted to say even though she regretted what she'd done to assist Ossis, she wasn't sorry she'd gone into the woods. Knowing Nightfall was out there for women who needed it, was somehow comforting. Once meeting the headmistress, she knew neither her nor her unborn son's life were in danger.

As he poured out his entire speech, she noted that he had not once mentioned her condition, no one had. Would Lilith have not seen it if she had the sight, the woman from the alley had; and if she had seen it, would not she have said something to her new ally? At the thought she looked up, catching Quinn's observant eye. He winked at her, which did not go unmissed by her Dragon. "If you will allow us to retire," he pressed out in a not so kind manner, stepping to completely block Lucy from scrutiny of either twin, "I need to get Lucy some rest."

"Yes," she heard Lilith snap with cold disdain, "It must be so tiring to plot against your generous hosts."

Regardless of her words, she must have dismissed them because Alexander bowed before turning to usher Lucy from the chamber. His hand never once left the small of her back as he led her further into the manner instead of to the exit as she expected–or maybe hoped. After a couple of twists and turns someone nearly crashed into them rounding a sharp corner.

"There you are," Hunter had grabbed either of her shoulders and was now bent so he was nearly nose to nose with her. "Are you mad?" Alexander pulled her backwards into his chest, free from the frantic Familiar's grip. "This one almost fucking killed me because of your disappearing act."

"A problem that could have been solved a lot sooner if you had just told me where she was," her king snarled from behind her, his chest vibrating against her back.

Her Familiar's eyes snapped up above her head, "I do not answer to you." Lucy could tell he was angry, not at Alexander, but himself for being careless and not staying with her. Their connection was not as developed as Sabrina and Bea's, he had not been able to pinpoint her location.

"I am back, everything is fine," she muttered, not in the mood for their bickering. If she stood any longer, she was sure her legs would give out. All she wanted now was that bed she had been promised, sure if her head were to hit a pillow she would pass out. Trying to take a step forward, she had given her body too much credit, it was not even going to make it back to her room.

Hunter's eyes immediately returned to her, telling Xander to catch her just in time for her knees to buckle. The warm strong arms of her dragon caught her with little effort, holding her tightly to his chest. "Get her to bed, I will bring up some food in a few hours," he muttered, clearly still angry, but willing to put their differences aside until Lucy was properly taken care of.

She could not keep her eyes open for more than eight steps, her head falling against his shoulder as she buried her face into his neck. The strong pulse of his heart could be felt against the bridge of her nose, lulling her into sleep before they reached the room.

Once they were inside with the door closed, Alexander nuzzled her awake so he could set her down and help her undress. The room was relatively dark despite the pale blue dawn that slivered in from a gap in the deep violet drapes. Lucy could not make out more than the rough frame of the bed, nor did she care to.

Exhaustion was heavy inside her, dulling her hunger but amplifying her aches from riding and walking for hours. While she longed to speak with her king, to run her hands along every curve and crevice of his body, if only to convince herself he was real, that she had not died in those woods, she did not have the will power. Letting her eyes flutter shut, she leaned her forehead against his broad chest. His hands moved in a flurry, quicker than the human mind could comprehend. There was a soft prying of the vial from her hands. He shed layers of her dirt and sweat riddled clothes. He brought clean water and gently washed her body, rubbing circles until he was satisfied. The feel of smooth, fresh fabric slipped around her. She was lifted again, in an almost dream-like state, and laid onto a soft, warm mattress. The covers were pulled to her chin, a kiss brushed her temple. She felt him turn and in a drowsy panic, fumbled for his fingers.

Beautiful Torture *Book Two of the Beautiful series*Where stories live. Discover now