21) Accusations

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"This is outrageous," one of the older monks scoffed from his spot around the crescent council table. Both Hunter and Alexander were standing before the elders of the temple, both having explained their side of what had just happened, since Lucy was still resting, they could not yet ask her. "None of the monks at this monastery would attack a young pregnant woman," he defended aggressively. "No matter how inexcusable her condition," he snapped, clearly disdaining her for what Sabrina had done, despite the ruling from the Abbot. A feeling most of the monks shared.

Hunter hissed out an angry breath through clenched teeth, surprisingly showing more of his rage toward the situation than the dragon king. "You think we would lie about something like this?" Although he should have been able to point out the attacker, Lucy had somehow managed to block that information from him. He could not understand how or why she would do that.

"It is quite the coincidence that she was attacked on the same day she arrives," a younger monk with short dark hair mussed from where he looked too relaxed in his own chair. "Perhaps she injured herself to make sure she could stay longer," leaning forward, the smug man folded his hands together on the stone table in front of him. "If she is too injured to do the ritual this month, she would have to wait until the next waning moon," cocking a brow in accusation.

The familiar stepped forward in a challenging manner, but a hand on his elbow stopped him from moving any further. "Your healer, Akeso, has already informed you the injuries were not self-inflicted," Alexander's tone was hard, holding all the anger he was not showing. "Someone here tried to harm my queen and heir," his dragon coiled dangerously under his skin, ready to burst forth at any second, willing to tear them all apart in hopes of killing Lucy's attacker.

"I am sorry this happened under our roof," the Abbot's face twisted with regret, showing more compassion than any of the others. "But without solid proof, we can not just begin accusing a fellow monk of such things," he swallowed, attempting to dampen his old dry throat, clearing it when that did not work.

"If you do not investigate..." Hunter started but was cut off by the dark haired monk.

"What will you do, familiar?" He was suppressing a grin, bringing his folded hands to his mouth in an attempt to hide his amusement. "Will you start attacking the monks in which you traveled a great distance to meet?" Lowering his hands, "I think not, it is our teachings the girl needs." Others nodded in agreement, where the rest shook their heads in disgust.

"When the girl wakes," the Abbot spoke again, silencing the mutters to follow. "We will see what she has to say, and proceed from there. Until then, go. Be with your Flame and wait for her to recover." The dark haired monk looked like he was going to argue, but was silenced with a look from his superior.

The two of them were dismissed from the room, Hunter nearly being dragged from the room. "What is your problem?" He snapped, ripping his arm from Alexander's grip, but kept on the lizard's heel as they made their way back to where Lucy was being held in Akeso's personal chambers. "Should you not be just as mad as me? Do you not care for her at all?"

Even though he knew the kid was speaking from a place of misplaced anger, he could not stop from turning mid step, nearly making Hunter collide with him. Bearing his teeth down at the young familiar, "Do not ever accuse me of not caring for her. Ever," he clenched his jaw, fighting to keep his dragon from bursting free. "If we lose our heads, we will be thrown out before she even has a chance to prove she belongs here. She needs to get her powers under control, otherwise..." he did not finish, remembering a confidential conversation he had with Sabrina before leaving the witch coven.

He resumed his walking, making Hunter have to jog to catch up. "Otherwise she will not be able to give you the strength to kill Endon," he supplied when Alexander did not look like he was going to continue. "Is that really what you find more important? Us getting kicked out so she can not help you win back your throne? What kind of lover are you?"

Alexander spun around for a second time, only this time, he could not stop from grabbing the body around the neck and shoving him up against the nearest wall. Lucy was not here to save him this time, "I told you never to doubt my feelings for her, cat." Lifting him so his feet no longer touched the stone floor, the dragon king got right into his face, "If she does not control her powers, they will consume her, and she will die."

He released the cat, watching as he bent over at the waist, trying to catch his breath. Coughing, he rubbed his now sore throat, looking up, "What the fuck are you talking about?" He croaked when Xander began pacing the width of the hall. "Forged power is not destructive."

Only looking down at his bent form, "But she does not just have Forged power inside of her, does she?" He pointed out as if it were obvious, "She has Endon's power alongside the Flame burning for my dragon." Shaking his head, he ran both hands over his face, digging the heels into his eyes. "Her mother said the powers of light and dark are battling inside of her, constantly growing and fighting for control. If she does not learn to control it, they will tear her apart from the inside out. She could die or become something dark and unrecognizable."

His words made Hunter freeze, "You are lying." He shook his head, "No, I would be able to tell."

"Just like you could tell who attacked her an hour ago," Alexander shot back accusingly.

Hunter went to lunge for the dragon, but was stopped by the bell-like voice of Akeso, "Gentlemen," the two of them turned their heads to watch the bald lady monk approaching. Her voice was just as pleasant as the first they had heard it, almost a complete opposite of the effect Lilith, her father, or Artemisia had. "If the two of you will follow me," her eyes sparkled when they landed on Hunter, something he now noticed, taking him by surprise.


As Lucy drifted through a world of smoke and ash, dark and light, she was aware of only two things: a dull throbbing ache in the back of her skull, and a growing terror in her heart. Through the mist she could see a man lingering just out of reach. Every now and then she would catch a glimpse of his black hair or a long limb that vanished into the gloom. His deep laughter followed and it frightened her all the more, but she had no choice but to keep moving through the dense fog.

Beneath her feet, the ground was like dark water that rippled out each time she stepped, although it did not wet her slippers, and though it looked cold, she could not feel if it seeped into them. Her brow furrowed at the strangeness of the place.

Where am I? She thought. Another desperate attempt to see through her shrouded surroundings left her no better off. All she could do was continue to walk and wonder at where she would end up. Or if she could even make it there before the stalking figure captured her.

"Will she wake?" A familiar voice with no true source asked. It was like the time she was in the Sorceresses twisted woodland. A voice that came from everywhere and nowhere, all at once.

"There is swelling on her brain from hitting it on the stone, and she lost a lot of blood. Her body is in shock." A bell-like voice replied, the sound silver sweet and pleasing to the ear. It eased some of the budding tension in Lucy's chest. There was a sureness to it that calmed her.

"But you are a goddess. Can you not just wake her? Heal her body instantly?" The first speaker demanded more insistently.

"Luciana is...a special case. Since leaving my home on Celestia and the other gods behind, I cannot manipulate godly flesh or blood." There was a pointed pause, but when the woman continued, Lucy could tell by her tone she was smiling without malice. "Yes, I can sense that she is a demigoddess. But I will not reveal this to the monk council if you do not wish it so."

"But surely there must be something more you can—"

"Hunter," the rich, rumbling voice cut him off. Lucy's pulse rose at the very sound. She would recognize it anywhere, even from another realm. Alexander, her dragon king. "Akeso is doing what she can. We must not push too hard."

Beautiful Torture *Book Two of the Beautiful series*Where stories live. Discover now