33) Traitor

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The streets of Streatham were silent, save for the soft clink of armor as an occasional set of guards patrolled by. Inhabitants in the surrounding shops and apartments were either sleeping or hiding behind closed curtains.

Save for a single cloaked figure that was slinking from shadow to shadow. Light enough on their feet that they did not so much as stir a pebble in their moving. Whenever a pair of soldiers moved by, they disappeared between buildings or behind large enough objects.

Inside the castle, the being moved just as silently, going completely unseen by anyone they did not intend. Showing themselves only when they arrived in the servants quarters. Dipping inside, they reached up to let the hood fall back, revealing the smooth tattooed head of a Familiar. The same one that snuck the halls twice before to pass a message to the girl still serving under the false queen. Although she remained loyal to the true heir and the Forged bride he had taken.

"Calimar, what are you doing here?" Scarlett's voice was barely above a whisper, not that the shifter would have issues hearing her.

He turned to look at the young servant, who was looking worse for wear. "A note from the true queen." His only explanation as he handed over a rolled up piece of paper, sealed with an unbroken wax seal.

She took it quickly, breaking the wax and opening it to scan over the words there. They were sloppy from her still learning to express her words on paper. Expressing her fear on her friend, who was still unwise to the ways of the supernatural world. Along with prince Jamie, who was also locked in his blissful bubble with the fake princess.

"She risks capture for this?"

"The queen is... in a sensitive state and our king will do anything in his power to ease her."

The young girl scoffed, sick of hearing how much Alexander was willing to bend over for a girl he only knew for a couple of months. He had known her since they were children, and when she had confessed her feelings to him, he had told her in the politest way possible that he could not marry a commoner. Yet he had so willingly run after the moment his father died instead of staying to fight for what was his. 

Instead of fighting for her. "The girl is fine, make sure to tell Alex that."

Calimar hid his contempt at her attitude, "I will tell the King your response. Surely this will ease the queen's nerves."

There is a loud thud as the door slams open behind the familiar, "The queen is most displeased with your loyalty." Queen Mary was standing in the doorway with a dozen guards and the one and only, Endon.

When the unwelcome guest tried to make a break for the third story window, the soldiers were faster, capturing his arms and turning him to face the untrue ruler. Spitting down at the woman's feet, he cursed something in his native tongue about her being a false idol.

However, Mary was unphased by it and simply crossed her arms in an impatient manner. "Did that ungrateful boy send you? Or was it the bitch who bends over for him?"

Stepping past her, Endon gave her one warning look that went unnoticed by the others. "The young prince is not dumb enough to do something so none strategically. But my daughter..." Lifting a finger to tap against his lips in thought, "Now she is ruled by emotion. Emotions brought on by this... abomination she carries."

Scarlett's lips pinched closed, only feeling slight regret from being the one to tell the queen of Lucy's condition. Something the couple had been meaning to keep in the privacy of those they trusted. Like her. But they were foolish enough to believe she could still follow them after Alex had abandoned her and the kingdom.

Now there was someone there, someone like Endon who would be able to protect them and bring back the ways of before. When everyone was equal and people had the choice to be with whoever they wanted. He had promised her that, when they caught her smuggling messages the last time. When he had seen just how broken the prince had left her.

"You have nothing to fear," Endon went on, once the familiar made it clear he was not giving them any form of answer. Even one of the simplest nature. "Your little king will come, and he will be reminded who is the real ruler. Then my daughter and I will lead you all to a place that is better."

With moments too fast for the mortal eye, he used a hidden blade made of shadow, and sliced the familiars throat. In the distance, from beyond the walls of the city, a sound carried over the silent night air. Breaking into the palace like an explosion, shaking the very foundation.

The dying cry of the Witch he belonged to.

Dragging the dead body from the room, the guards bowed their heads in respect to both the queen and Endon. Once almost alone, the mysterious charm filled man turned to Scarlett, "You did well my child, bringing forth this information of treachery. For a reward, once my daughter is home, I will be able to remove the hold she has on the little prince. Then the two of you can go away," splaying his hands out in a forgiving gesture, "Unharmed."

The mousy girl nodded, bowing her head in submission unable to meet the dark eyes of the man in front of her. She knew he was not a dragon, and although she had been let in on the royal secret, she did not know all of the other things that were out there. All she knew was that he was something powerful, and someone who could help her get what she wanted.

Help her get Alexander.

"Now all you have to do..." He continued with a wicked gleam of enjoyment, "Is write a letter back."

This made her raise her head, first to see Mary smiling like she had just single handedly just won this war before it began. Then looking up to find her new consort looking just as gleeful. How was a letter going to set it all into motion?

"Here is what it is going to say," his smile stretched from ear to ear. 

Beautiful Torture *Book Two of the Beautiful series*Where stories live. Discover now