...Did you kidnap me?

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I awoke with a pounding headache and slender fingers running across my face, a gentle wake up call. 

"Good morning pretty girl." A voice I didn't recognize cooed, I moved to open my eyes, trying to look around and finding myself in complete darkness. 

My hands flew to my face when I realized I was blindfolded. 

"Shh sh. Stop that." They whispered, their soft warm hands grabbing mine and stopping me from taking the blindfold off. "Be a good girl and leave the blindfold on." They chided, gently rubbing my knuckles. 

I slowly relaxed, seeing as how I don't really have another choice. 

"Now. Im going to take this gag out, you caused a lot of problems last night sweetheart, I'm afraid I hurt you. You hurt me." The voice said, tugging on the cloth in my mouth, I immediately opened, licking my lips and swirling my own spit around trying to get rid of the taste of cotton. 

"Im-" "Shhh it's okay. Mommy knows you didn't mean to hurt her. You were just scared weren't you sweetheart? You'd never hurt mommy on purpose would you?" They said softly, their hands running across my face and pulling me closer. 


The gentle but firm commandment made me shiver. "No mommy." I said without thinking. "Mm good girl. Now, Mommy's sorry she had to be mean and hurt you but she had too. I had to hurt you sweetheart. It was for your own good." She said calmly, gently playing with my hair. 

"Tell mommy it's okay." She commanded. 

"It's okay mommy." I said automatically. "Good girl. Such a good girl for mommy. You know mommy just wants the best for you right? Mommy just wants to keep you safe. And secure. And make sure you never ever get hurt again." She cooed, gently guiding me into her embrace. 

I couldn't help but melt into my captiors embrace, nuzzling into her chest. "Sweet girl, Mommy's going to take such good care of you. And as much as I would love to spend the day cuddling with my favorite girl. We have some silly business to get out of the way." She said softly, kissing my forehead. 


"You'll learn my name when I think you're ready. You'll earn your eyesight when I think you're ready. You'll stay in this room until I think you're ready." 

Her voice almost melted me on the spot, her lips brushing against my ear as her hands ran up and down my body touching me anywhere she could reach like my body was hers to do with as she pleased. 

Maybe it is. 

"Do you understand what I'm saying?" She asked. I slowly nodded and whined when I felt her slap my thigh. "Outloud. Say it nice and loud for mommy." She reprimanded me. "Yes mommy." I whined. 

"Yes mommy what?" She spat, her hand sliding up my body and grabbing me by my throat. 

"Yes mommy I won't do anything until you think I'm ready." I finished, shockwaves of pleasure running through my body as she squeezed my throat, my cheeks growing red with the blood flow. 

"That's right. What a clever girl you are." She cooed, loosening her grip and kissing my cheek. "Such a clever little girl. Now. Tell mommy, does anything hurt sweetheart?" She asked, turning my attention to my body. 

A couple aches and pains, throbbing head, my side is killing me. God how did I not notice all of this before. 

I started to nod before realizing she probably wanted me to say it outloud. "Yes mommy. M-my side, and head.." I answered shyly, tilting my head in her general direction. "Poor baby." She tsked, her hands rushing to gently caress my sides. 

"Here lay back for mommy, let mommy see." She said firmly pushing me down on the bed. I laid back, my body entirely relaxed as she pulled my shirt up, her hands running over my body as she hummed softly. 

"This is going to hurt a bit, but when it's over you'll feel all better okay? Mommy's going to kiss it all better." She said sickeningly sweetly as she pulled my body closer. "Wha-" 

I froze when I felt her lips touch my skin, sending electricity through my body, the pain instantly subsiding and being replaced with a fire of need inside me. 

"Better?" She asked, giggling when I nodded dumbly. "And what else hurt? Your head right?" She asked, shifting to push her body against mine as she moved up, her lips brushing against my neck. "Yes mommy." I said, struggling to think clearly as the mysterious woman pushed her body against mine. 

"Hm here?" She asked, kissing my temple. I shook my head in response, leaning closer to her. 

"No? What about here?" She asked, kissing the bridge of my nose, once again making me shake my head. "No. Hm okay well then let me try here." She concluded, kissing the crown of my head that made me melt into a puddle under her the second her lips touched me. 

"Oh? Right there huh?" 

She hummed, hands resting on my hips as my brain turned into someone equal to runny eggs as I nodded, feeling like with every movement of my head my brain sloshed around. 

"Good girl..." She hummed, her hands slowly trailing up and down my body. "Babygirl." She said after a few minutes of greedily groping my body. 

"Yes mommy?" I asked quietly. "How are you feeling?" She asked, gently rubbing my cheek. "I dunno mommy." I said honestly. 

"Try." She pushed. "Uhm.. i dunno, i dunno who you are, or if you're gonna hurt me, or where i am, and i can't see, and... did you kidnap me?" I said, my hands clenching into fists to keep my body still as all touching stop. 

"Well I can answer all that for you. You do know who I am, hence why you can't take the blindfold off yet. I would never willingly hurt you, I am genuinely very very sorry that I hurt you I never meant to, you're at my house, and maybe if you're very very good I'll let you take the blindfold off when im not in the room, and yes I did but you're safe. You're safe and nothing can hurt you now. You have to trust mommy okay? Can you do that for me princess?" She said honestly, shifting to hover over me, her body so close to me I could feel the warmth radiating off her. 

Why am I not scared of her? I mean this woman kidnapped me, she has me in her house, blindfolded, she founds familiar but I can't put the voice with a face. 

"Yes mommy." I answered quietly, struggling to keep a coherent thought in my head as the mysterious girl hummed in my ear. 

"Such a good girl. Now mommy has to leave you for a little bit, you're going to be good for me while I'm gone aren't you?" She asked, pinching my cheek as I felt her body retract from mine. I whined, feeling her warmth slowly fade from me. "Shh shh come on be good for mommy. Mommy just has to pick up some things from the store okay?" She said, gently cupping my face with her hands. 

Her touch instantly calmed me and I melted into the stranger's hands. Her thumbs gently stroked my cheeks, soothing me until I relaxed under her. 

"Good girl. Just relax mommy will be right back okay? Don't. Move. And don't try to escape." She warned before completely pulling away, leaving me helpless on the bed. 

The door swinging shut behind her and the sound of the lock sliding into place sending my heart to the pit of my stomach as my brain switched on and I realize just how fucked I am.

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