It's not Kate

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Oh my god it's Vision. He looks the same as last time I saw him. Ugly and boring.

Like a cardboard box.

Ah wait no... no im just blind, thats a girl, not Vision. He's dead. It's not Vision.

Not sure if that's better or worse for me.

Although I wish she had as much of a lack of Vision as Wanda does because Yelena is looking right at me. And Wanda.

Me and Wanda.


Fuck. Oh fucking fuck.

Well she looks at me..

and I look at her.

And she looks at me.

And I look at her.

And she looks at me.

And I look at her.

And I say "Wanda. It was really nice seeing you again."

I gulp when Wanda quirks an eyebrow at me, her back to the door so she doesn't realize Yelena is staring at us. At me.

"What-" "And thanks for paying for me I'll have to buy you lunch and OH HI Yelena what are you doing here?" I said, purposely raising ny voice to snap her out of her intense stare.

Meanwhile Wanda looks like she just dropped her pumpkin spice latte on her vintage uggs or gogo boots or I dont know whatever ugly boots girls wear when drinking pumpkin spice lattes.

(Do girls still wear gogo boots? Is that a thing still? Oh my god I feel so old thinking thats a thing still. It's definitely not.. right?)

Yelena took a second to respond before coming over, clearly as shocked as Wanda. She slowly reached out, poking my face as if to check if I was real.

"...Hello to you too Yelena?" I said, fighting the urge to run throw the nearest brick wall and jump into traffic as she stared at me.

Glancing over at Wanda I see she's on the verge of going into cardiac arrest so I keep talking.

"It's so good to see you again. How is everyone? And Kate, is she... okay?" I asked, playing dumb because her sister is a fucking cop and Yelena is probably FBI or something and oh my god what if she knows.

No no. No. She doesn't know. Relax.

"Kate is... she's terrible. Hasn't Wanda told you? Wait Wanda... Wanda why didn't you tell us (Y/N) was in town?" Yelena asked, she turned to look at Wanda.

Wanda, is at this point talking to God and praying for a miracle, like an atomic bomb to be dropped on our town.

"I just got here! Just got in. Like maybe twenty minutes ago. I thought I'd come by to pick up some building kits but uh I forgot my wallet and well Wanda happened to pop in and well she has a wallet and I know Wanda so I yeah.. and yeah well you can figure the rest."

Oh my god could I ramble more? Am I giving a class on how to look suspicious.

Suspicious activity 101, lesson 1, ramble a lot.

Was I talking a lot? Maybe I was. Jesus fuck calm down.

"I see... Wanda-" "Actually you know Yelena uh..."

Think. Think. Think of something to say Wanda is over there needing a defibrillator just fucking think.

"I've been meaning to talk to you. About Kate." I said without really thinking ahead as to what I needed to talk to her about Kate for.

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