Just a minute or two

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The blindfold dropped and for about 30 seconds I stared straight ahead at the door working up the courage to turn around. There's no going back but maybe that's a good thing. 

Turning around finally I looked straight past my kidnapper and into the newly decorated living room. 

What the.. I swear to god this house is fucking haunted or something.  

Or maybe I'm just going crazy.

"The living room.." I mumbled, not even glancing at my kidnappers face as my mind swam with questions like where in the hell did the fireplace come from and what happened to the TV that was so old the dinosaurs and Fred Flintstone had used it. 

"Huh? What about it?" 

She-... Wanda. 



Holy shit Wanda. 

My entire body tensed as the sudden realization of who it was hit me like a ton of bricks. Wanda. 

Wanda Maximoff who hardly came to group events. 

Wanda Maximoff who had an awful break up with Vision. 

Wanda Maximoff who always took my attention away from Kate whenever she came into the room. 

Wanda Maximoff who everyone pitied because Vision up and left her out of the blue one day. 

Wanda Maximoff who was completely broken and distraught after he left. 

Wanda Maximoff who I always gravitated to at parties and events. 

Wanda fucking Maximoff. 

Wanda Maximoff who Kate always seemed a little weary of. 

Well uh... shit makes sense now. 

From Kate always being standoffish when she found me and Wanda hanging out to Wanda's disappearance from the group to Vision skipping town and never being heard from again. 

Oh shit Vision. She killed Vision. 

Well I mean, accidentally killed Vision but still... what did she do with his body?  

"Hey.. you okay?" Wanda said, gently shaking my shoulder to get my attention and snap me out of my thoughts. "I-.. uh.. no the living room.." I trialed off, deeply confused. 

"What about it?" She asked, once again turning to look at the living room. 

Jesus fuck what is wrong with me? Am I just making shit up now? 

Maybe I just remembered incorrectly. 

"I uhm.. nevermind. It's nothing.. Wanda.. mommy? Wanda? Uh.." I said as my eyes landed on the flat screen TV that had replaced the old TV. I felt even more awkward as she thought for a moment. 

"Whichever feels more comfortable for you, you don't have to say or do anything you don't want of course, are you hungry, I was about to order lunch." Wanda said, reluctantly letting go of whatver I thought was wrong with the living room. "A bit.. can we get pizza?" I asked quietly. 

"Of course sweetheart. I have to make a call or two but once I'm done we can watch a movie." She promised, I could see the hesitation in her eyes, her hands fidgeting at her sides. Did she always look this nervous before or is she nervous now that I can see her?

"Yeah sounds great what movie?" I asked, glancing at her hands which were still nervously fidgeting with her shirt. 

For a second I thought she was going to freeze up on me, but then she slowly reached her hand out. 

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