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(Accidentally forgot what I was writing about and literally gaslight myself on accident thinking "Oh yeah that's completely fine. Whatever Mommy wants." Like bruh im the writer, it's whatever I want. I mean it's my fault we, the reader, got hurt... my fault because I wrote it that way NOT because writer me is gaslighting reader me with Mommy.... I might need therapy)

My kidnapper was true to her word, coming by twice a day with breakfast and dinner, two days in she had been refusing me pain killers like morphine, nothing addictive because in her words 

"the only thing you need to rely on to stop the pain is me"

And my personal favorite:

"the only addiction you need is me" 

So... yeah I'm in pain. She did bring me a proper sling though, and always came with an ice pack to help numb the pain. 

Breakfast was always my favorite, 2 pancakes, scrambled eggs with cheese and ketchup, hasbrowns, an 2 sausage links. Basically just proving she really was a part of my friend group knowing my breakfast order that well. 

For dinner she brings me meat, potatoes and cheese, crackers on the side in case the meat and cheese is too much for my stomach. 

Today however is different, no breakfast came, no trip to the bathroom, not even a knock on the door to make sure I hadn't died in the middle of the night or needed to be rushed to the hospital, which she swore and promised god she would if it ever came to that. 

I heard her leave earlier, the sound of the front door opening and slamming shut was loud enough to wake me up, and now I have to sit here and wait for her to return. 

"...mommy?" I tried. 

The eerily silence of my kidnappers house driving me more insane. I was met with even more silence and I felt my mood sink. 

What if she's not coming back? 

What if this isn't a house? 

What if she's just left me here, in some... place, and she's never coming back? 

But.. she said she'd take care of me. She promised she would. She said she loved me she would never leave me. 

She promised. 

So I just have to wait

...and wait

...and wait. 


Staring into the darkness for eternity isn't so bad. My fear of the dark isn't making this easy but I have to stay calm. I'm used to it now. 

Maybe she thinks I needed the full punishment. 

Maybe I deserve it. 

I was bad after all, she didn't tell me I could do stuff but I did it anyways, so I deserve this. Being left alone in a tiny closet, handcuffed, injured, and starting to go a little insane. 

I can't tell what else is in here with me but I assume her clothes. 

All I can smell is her, lavender vanilla taking over my sense of smell and blocking everything else out. 

Honestly her scent is intoxicating, maybe that's why she picked the closet. 

So I could be without her but still smell her, know she's here with me in a subtle way.

 A world not entirely without my kidnapper. Then again how could my life ever go to normal? 


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