Sike yeah it is

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(... let's just all forget that I forgot Taylor Swift already had a self named album. But like let's be real, no one can blame me for forgetting that one exists sometimes. I still can't wait for that announcement Taylor gonna be like "This is Taylor Swift (Taylor's Version) by Taylor Swift. Guys buckle up now, this chapter went places I never even dreamed it would go.)

Wanda, apparently now fully aware what the implications would be if she was seen with me were, practically jumped out my window looking for a place to hide, she looked around frantically for a moment, seeing she had no place to hide. 

"Babe? Hey are you home?" 

Kate. Girlfriend. Kate. 

The girlfriend. 

Oh shit wait she's my girlfriend. 

Fuck I forgot about her. 

I sprang out of bed, the immediate idea of being found alone with Wanda giving me a boost of energy. I grabbed Wanda by her arm and shoved her into the closet and footsteps came down the hall. 

"Stay quiet." I warned. "But-" I slammed the door in her face, pushing a few boxes I had lying around in front of it. "Babe?" Kate called through the door. 

I froze once I realized I was now alone with Kate... well. Not exactly alone but alone.

Wanda can't save me now that I've basically locked her in a closet. Oh fuck oh fuck fuck. Okay breathe. Breathe. Breathe. 

Kate opened the door and I stopped breathing. 

My heart started beating irregularly the second Kate and I locked eyes. For a moment the world stood still. Mine in absolute terror. Kate's in pure joy. 

Before I could faint or projectile vomit Kate rushed towards me, throwing her arms around around me and tackling me into a hug. I stumbled back, my not fully recovered arm taking most of the blow as my back hit the closet door. 

"Oh my god. (Y/N) where were you? I was worried sick. You were gone for so long." Kate was fully wrapped around me, and I thought maybe it would feel the same as when Wanda hugged me. 

But all I felt as her arms wrapped around me was bile coming up the back of my throat and an empty chill run down my spine as she cried into my shoulder. 

I let her hold onto me for a moment before I gently moved away from her, separating myself from her. ".. We need to talk Kate." I said, quickly moving away to lean against my desk across the room. 

I can't run away from her but I can get away from her. The only thing I could do to escape this is hide in the closet with Wanda but I don't see that going well for me. 

"I-.. oh. Yeah okay." Kate said, caught off guard as every step she took towards me made me take a step away. "I'm only here to pack some things. Then I'm leaving again." I said. 

No shit Sherlock. 

Fuck Jesus christ I need someone to buy me some time so I can come up with a lie. "Leaving? But you just got here. You cant leave again. We-.. I miss you." Kate said, reaching out to hold my hands. I pulled my hands away, hiding then in my sleeves. 

Hopefully Kate doesn't notice this sweater is Wanda's. Actually this has her last name embroidered on the cuff.

"I just need some time." I said. 

Dear lord give me some time. I didn't think I'd run into Kate this soon. I need more time to make up a lie. I need more time why don't I have more time. I'm not ready for this shit. 

If Wanda wasn't stuffed in my closet like a sardine I would've bolted by now. 

"Time for what?" She asked, having now settled to sitting on my bed across from where I rested against the desk. 

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