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I somehow found myself here, sitting on my kidnappers lap, holding a bowl of popcorn, pretending I was following along with whatever the late night horror movie host was on about. 

While I can see what's happening on the TV my mind keeps trying to wonder from the b movie horror flick on screen. 

I think it's The Day the Earth Stood Still. 

I've never really sat through a late night horror show before, since ya know, it's 2023, the only late night horror show I can think of is Svengoolie on MeTV but even then it's just not a thing anymore. It hasn't been since the late 90s. Or maybe it has and I've just never noticed. 

I wonder if there's anything else on. I mean what else could possibly be on at this time? What even is the time? What time is it? 

It's dark out therefore it's night that's all I can guess. 

Nothing else would be on at this time. Maybe something on the old jewelry shopping channel but I doubt it. 

God when will this movie- 

The channel suddenly flickered and I gaped as the movie switched to a newer more recent movie. 


Wait what. I squeezed my eyes shut and then opened them again, my jaw dropping slightly as I watched the modern movie flicker and play on the retro television. 

I'm sorry what. What the fuck just happened. 

We were watching The Day The Earth Stood Still. 

What in the fucking fuck. 

I slowly looked around for a remote, seeing no outline that looked similar to a remote, I felt a gentle squeeze, my kidnappers hands on my thighs, drawing me back to her. 

"What are you looking for princess?" She asked gently, her breath tickling my neck. "Huh? Uhm well I just.. uh.. what movie are we watching?" I asked, not daring to look at the screen. 

I know we were not watching Annabell. 

We weren't. We were watching a movie from one of those late night horror shows. 

A b movie. A horror b movie. 

Not a movie made after 2000. What the fucking fuck. 

"Annabell sweetheart. Weren't you paying attention silly girl?" She chuckled, her hands running up and down my thighs splitting my brain in half. 

One side scrambling to figure out what the fuck just happened and the other practically drooling and melting under her touch. 

Get it together. Focus. Jesus H Christ fucking focus. 

"Y..Yeah. but-..but I... we.. uh... wasn't something else on?" I asked quietly, unable to shake the feeling of slowly slipping into insanity. "No sweetheart. You put on Annabell remember?" She asked sweetly, gently squeezing my thigh.  

Did I? Dear god get it together (Y/N). I didn't put this on. How would I even do that? 

This TV is older than I am and there's no remote. There's no remote. 

It's not like there's fucking Netflix or an HDMI cord on the TV. 

One of us is tripping and I'm pretty sure it's me. 

"Sweetheart. Are you okay?" My kidnapper asked sweetly, her hands leaving my thighs to gently grab my jaw and turn my face in her general direction. 

All I can make out is the shape of her hair, it's so hard to distinguish where her eyes are. I mean yes I know the general shape and how a face can look. But her face is different... probably because I can't fucking see that well with this blindfold on. I slowly nodded and she hummed. 

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